We all know what it feels like to be in a promotion series, and we all know what it feels like to be demoted, but I'm here to tell you why none of that matters.

As you are playing league of legends, obviously your mmr is going to go up and down and not be displayed to you.
In the long run your promotion series won't matter very much because if your mmr goes up and you continue to lose promotion series, you could potentially raise your mmr so high that it skips the 4th or 2nd division altogether.

Not only this, but if you continually lose your series and continue to have decent mmr, you will not get clamped and will requalify for your series fairly quickly.
Now, I know how frustrating it is to lose a promotion series, but since mmr is the deciding factor here, your lp and division are just a facade. So whenever a diamond 1 player with 100 lp says that it's pointless to play more games, he is just misunderstanding the system like everyone else, because it is your mmr that matters, not your lp and division (at least not until you are ready to call it quits).

It really is this simple. If someone at diamond 1 with 100 lp feels like it's pointless to play games when they see +0 LP for wins and -8 for losses, they really should just be trying to keep track of their mmr and play for the long haul.
I mean, for the people on diamond 1 with 100 lp, OF COURSE they want challenger and they want it now, but if you are that good already, why not keep climbing mmr? It DOES make a difference.

Here's a quote from a riot employee on the matter:

You can tell when someone in Challenger tier loses their immunity because it will be the same time their Recruit emblem goes away. This should start happening in the next day or two. Once there are players who aren't immune, you'll be able to start a series if you win a game and the system believes that you're stronger than a Challenger player who isn't currently marked for a potential demotion. Clamping on LP gains should also kick in at that point for Diamond I players who haven't performed well enough to dethrone any Challenger players.

So why is this significant? This is not the only proof that is out there, but it was just the first piece that I found. Basically he said your rating ultimately goes off of mmr, so there is really no reason to stop playing when you hit diamond 1 with 100 lp (unless you fear dropping and know you aren't likely to make it back).

In summation: You should be playing to get better. If for no other reason than to improve rating. Your individual rating is directly related to how well you are able to improve and fix your mistakes.
What is the point in worrying about 3 games that happen to signify your jump from 1500 elo to 1550 elo? There isn't one.

The system is an illusion, which is meant to make league more accessible and also to provide easier reference points for the players/casters. This isn't the only reason why, but it's probably the biggest reason they went through with this change. Basically, as SivHD said, "how much will this game matter one year from now? It will not." How much will that one game really hurt you in the long run? It's your attitude and the way you treat other people in relation to your teamwork which matters most. It's learning objective control, when to farm and when to group up. It's warding and ganking and team compositions. People that want to improve, will and the people that want to ***** about their teammates, won't. Solo queue is meant to be a place to improve individual skill, so act like it.

I have had my share of bad teams as well, but I don't care about losing that much anymore. I used to stress about it, but now I just think about my play and how it relates to the bigger picture. You have to realize that in order to get a much higher elo, you need to change your attitude and be honest with yourself. The common denominator in all of your games is you, and if your rating drops far below what you think it should be, then you should have no problems getting it back. No amount of bad teams will stop you from getting to higher elo if you truly deserve it.

"Why would you expect a player in your division to carry you to the next?"

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from other's mistakes.

Thanks for reading,


Check me out on twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cloudcarry

add me on DinoRarr in na for coaching. (updated in 2014)