As the title says...I'm sick...during summer. Feels bad man....the weather is already hot...with my temperature being as high as it is, I feel like you could cook some eggs on my forehead....

Well...aside from that, I'm enjoying NA LCS this week. TSM vs C9 and Envyus vs IMT were fun series despite both ending in 2-0s. Doublelift and Pobelter really went off in those matches and I'm very happy my TSM boys are still undefeated.

Also, I finally finished my placement matches on my 3rd account playing almost exclusively AP Support Ashe. I went 3-7 and placed in Silver V. And I also played one game after that and won..28 points I think. I'm kinda disappointed I didn't get placed in Bronze because I've never been in Bronze and I've always wondered how bad or fun it is there. In my 11th game, a Wukong even said he respects me for playing only AP Ashe LOL. Was pretty funny.

Sorry for another short post but I feel like I will pass out because of my fever so yeah....

Thanks for reading and see you in the next post!