My 3rd account is finally level 30. Now I just need 1k IP in order to own 16 champions and I can start playing ranked on it. My third account will be used for my journey of becoming the best AP Ashe Support in the world.

A friend told me something along the lines of:
"I believe that you really are the best AP Ashe Support out there. Because no one is silly enough to play AP Ashe Support in serious ranked games."

So now I'm gonna spam it on my 3rd account and prove to every player I meet that I am in-fact THE best AP Ashe Support out there.

If you're curious about how it works, basically I just max out my CDR as fast as possible and get AP items.

I usually start with Spellthief's Edge and Pots. Then I get Frost Queen's and CDR Boots. And then Morellonomicon or Zhonya's Hourglass (if they have a lot of AD Champs). With my CDR maxed out I transition into pure AP items such as Luden's Echo, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, etc.

It's legit. Not even joking.

Anyways, thanks for reading! See you in the next post~