Gambit - Alex Ich is pretty big. I've always thought he's the main person behind Gambit. At the same time, it's not totally unexpected. He has a family and Gambit have been performing poorly recently. Still, it's kinda sad to see Gambit fall apart after they've been together for so long :/

Copenhagen Wolves - Forgiven and Amazing have left. Forgiven leaving isn't too much of a shock. From what I've seen on reddit, it seems like he's a little bit of a rager. I think he was a good ADC though. But then again, if he was making the team environment worse then it really is for the best if he leaves. As for Amazing, I think it's a huge blow to CW because he was their best player. I don't think CW will perform that well this split simply because Amazing would always get the lanes going and now he can't do that.

Supa Hot Crew - So Migxa left SHC. After reading his Facebook post, it's totally acceptable that he wanted to leave. Losing your motivation to play can be a huge problem. To be precise, his motivation went downhill because he got bored of scrimming for 12 hours every day. But yeah, I don't think he was the best support or anything so I think if SHC can find a good replacement they'll be fine.

CLG - Nien leaving shouldn't be a huge shock but it was for me. I think CLG did really well at playoffs and I was quite sure they weren't gonna bench or kick someone. But then Nien suddenly leaves. I do think he was their weakest player but I don't think he was that bad to the point where it was necessary for him to leave. Oh well. It's his decision. CLG are currently looking for a new top laner and it is rumored some guy called Seraph who used to play for Najin White Shield is gonna be their new top laner. Really interested in seeing who they will pick.

Dignitas - Scarra benched again is kinda whatever. It was pretty obvious he only came back to help them with playoffs. Cruzer also got benched but he retired as well. I don't think Cruzer was that great as a top laner so I don't really care too much about that. And finally, Dig picked up ZionSpartan and Shipthur as their new solo laners. Quite a strong pick-up if you ask me. Shipthur and Zion were the only good players on Coast so I'm sure they will make Dig stronger. However, Dig will still have problems as a team (like shotcalling) and until they work on those problems, I don't think they will be a top 3 team in NA.

EG - No changes have been made in EG, but they are currently scrimming with different players in different roles to try and find out if anyone on the team is a weak link. I don't wanna see any changes for them. I think their current roster is okay. They just need to work as a team more and find that team synergy.

Coast Disbanding - No surprise. Zion and Shipthur left for Dignitas so I don't really think the other 3 will stick together. They really have no team synergy so there is no point.

XDG Disbanding - Same like with Coast. Benny retired and apparently Zuna and his brother left the XDG house so I'm guessing they really are disbanding. It's for the best. They just completely went downhill and lost their team synergy. Kind of a shame since they were pretty good last year. Oh well.

Team SoloMid - TheOddOne retires as a player and becomes TSM's 2nd coach, Amazing from CW the new jungler. Also, Xpecial was benched because of his attitude so he is being tried out along with other supports for the vacant support role. First, about OddOne. I'm so gonna miss him. He was the only original member of TSM and I really love him as a player. He's just really funny at times and despite playing the game for so long I think he's still very skilled. Yes he said his mechanics have just dropped and that's one of his reason for stepping down. However, I don't think his mechanics are that bad. With the General gone, TSM has no original members left. I'm really sad about that. On the other hand, Amazing is really talented so I hope he will be a worthy replacement for the General. And finally about Xpecial. I watched his Vlog about the whole situation and I'm very positive he'll be taken back as starting support. He's a person who can definitely improve on his attitude because of how smart he is. And there aren't really any support out there that are better than him.

GOODBYE ODDONE. I WILL MISS YOU! ;___; *salutes the General one final time*

Thank you for reading.