So, Braum is the upcoming champion. He's basically a tanky support with good CC and good peel for AD Carries. Oh sorry, Marksmans.. (really did you come up with Marksman). I'm totally gonna insta-buy him once he's released. Not only does he fit my style of play (defending others and sacrificing myself for them) but he also has the most sick mustache ever. Heck even Bubbadub (Complexity Black's Support) doesn't have such a cool mustache. Really looking forward to playing Braum. He's gonna be a huge wall in team fights, that's for sure.

Apart from Braum, not much has been going on. I haven't played much ranked lately because I don't feel like playing. Mostly just playing ARAMs with some people. Last 3 ranked games I've played have been losses I think. This is the most recent one:

Despite the 3 afkers (WW was afk too but he didn't leave the game) it was a good learning experience for me. I managed to defend against a 1v2 dive on me and I only died once when I overextended and Darius flash, Qed and Ultied me. Apart from that I played fairly well I think.

What else to talk about..oh yeah school. Last Friday I got an F in Math and an F in Physics. Was such a horrible day. I'm even taking this week off to relax and study a little bit cause I need to fix my Math grade. And finally, I'm collecting money to buy a present for a girl. It's not much of a present, just a skin in League for her. Wanted to do something nice for her so I figured why not. You would not believe how slow I am when it comes to saving up money. It's mostly because the money I get for school is used for lunch (most of it) and if I'm not going to school I don't get any. The only fast way to collect money is if my brother is kind enough to give me some xD but usually I just have to save what I can from my lunch money X.X

Well that's about it I think. Not much else to talk about o.O

Thanks for reading~! ^__^