Since I started ranked 2 days ago I've been wondering if I should get another champion to increase my roster so that I don't end up with a pick that I rarely ever play ( like Zilean ), since I have a soft gooey spot for burst assassins all of them are on the list ... yay :D

I checked her out in a few ranked games and she can own (if you know what your doing ofcourse), the pros for me is her passive Twin Disciplines that gives natural spell vamp, her W abbility Twilight Shroud would be great for juking an enemy so bad that he feels like an a** or saving yourself and allies, finally her ulti Shadow Dance which would be epic in chasing down a enemy. The cons are not many, she usses energy wich drains OP fast when your doing your combos, she gets focussed ... allot, and ofcourse CC shuts you down, defenitly a top pick for me.

Checked her out aswell and is a stellar pick. The pros is that she doesn't use mana or energy (booja), Shunpo sounds like a great way to screw the enemy team over and her ulti Death Lotus looks like you can pretty much insta-kill the enemy (if your carefull), the cons are that she gets CC'd right away and she needs kills or assists in team fights in order to benefit from her passive Voracity, also a top pick.

NO NO NO NO NO ... tried him out when he was free and saw my a** faster than you can say "gank", I tried him out as AP, AD and even Hybrid ... I just suck as him.

Wanted to try her out when she was free, but never got the time ... the pros are simply that she sounds fun to play as, the cons are that she seems to fall back late game ... allot, would check her out.

She sounds cool, her life saving passive Rebirth sounds really nice and all that CC is just too good, the problem is that well she is increadibly squishy, verry mana dependent and will be focused ... will check her out defenitly.

Tried him out and enjoyed it allot, the pros are that he doesn't use mana or energy, his passive shield Iron Man will save your life and his ulti Children of the Grave is just awesome. The cons are that he uses health in order to use his abilities (I really don't like the idea of weakening myself farther for the enemy), no escapes when ganks are coming and no natural CC ... will check him out.

This is byfar the only support I will ever play, because she sounds super easy to learn she buffs her allies simply by walking with them and will defenitly make huge plays for her team in teamfights, the bad thing is that people focus her often and she is o so mana hungry ... I will defenitly get her at a later occasion or if people think its better to get her now xD

Tried him out when I was just starting LoL and had a hard time (which is to be expected since I barely knew what I was doing), him stealh/ poisons sound excelent and his abilities have a killer range, the problem is that not really an escape, verry little CC and he gets bullied in lane and in teamfights. The only reason he is on the list is that I only own one other ADC ( Varus ) so it would be nice to have another if my main choice gets banned, but FYI if allot of people suggest getting another ADC then I'll just wait for Vayne or Ezreal.

Sorry that this blog is so long I wanted to get all the champions I had in mind on here and aswell as why I have chosen them, I am looking forward to what people suggest ...