(Discalimer: This is just a repost of my #2 diary. happened because I accidently posted it already before noticing i didnt even write anything interesting. :) )

Alright, the first day is over and i think I´ll just some sort of a summary of my ranked games today. I played three of four games with a friend, but not all went well there.
So the first game i went Rumble, one of my favorite champs, against Riven while my friend went with AP Tristana because she has, in his opinion, has no real counters. The Laning phase went actually really well, although Riven can give Rumble some good trouble, but thanks to my friend who roamed a lot after getting kills in mid, and thanks to my jungler i came out of lane ahead in Kills and CS. But the downfall began in Mid Game when more than once my Rumble ult only one enemy and was pretty useless, and also i was not able to protect my carries. So this was a lost game which really hurts because I love Rumble so much.
The second game i was forced into the Jungle and went with Trundle while my friend went Top Lane with Lee Sin. Thanks to our Bot Lane never needing any ganks and some good early plays by me and my friend, we pretty much stomped the enemy team and achieved victory.
Third game, ma friend in Mid Lane with AP Tristana, me with Renekton Top Lane. Early Game was pretty much won aginst Lee Sin, 3/0 and CS lead over him. But in Mid Game, I was unable/unwilling to properly focus the enemy carries or protect my carries, so this was another loss with one of my favorite champs. I really think about not playing Renekton and Rumble not anymore in Rankeds, simply because i don´t think I can play good enough later in the game and in teanfights.
The last game i played alone because my friend needs to get up early in the morning. I played Taric, the champ I have the highest win rate with, and although our Amumu got counter jungled a lot early and we had several critical "Noob" moments, we won the teamfights in the Late Game and I had at least one final win.
In Summary, my League Pounts made quite an Up-and-Down-Ride today. I started off with 69 (lol!) Points, went down to 41, then up again to 88, then down to 65, only to go with my last win up to 83, which means that at least I´ve raised my overall LP a little bit.
Cya Guys