As of the typing of this, I only need 1633 XP to reach 29 then off to 30 I go!
Been on that grind game, y'know?
Not as exciting as I thought it would be, really. I mean, I came across some friends of friends (never met them means not IRL means good chance they're good) and we played a bunch of games together so far. They extended a hand in my direction for a ranked team when I get to 30, also I've been playing more than usual as I await some important emails concerning an occupational status. Nothing better to do.

I have noticed something, though...

My aggression comes out in Dominion
I come from consoles (PlayStation mainly, and XBox) which I've been playing since I was born. I believe it helped me develop my quick adaptation abilities as I can pick up on games quickly (and not just games); show me something once I'll remember it— do it twice I've got the hang of it. I play a variety of games ranging from Tetris and Peggle to NBA2k and MNR to Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, and though I excel at the genres I particular enjoy showing it off in competitive games. I'm hinting at those bad games Battlefield and Call of Duty. I hate them now, and stopped playing them and stopped supporting Activision and EA, but even when I return on occasion to a previous game that was good, and feel dismayed at how dead they are (R.I.P WaW), I can still go 49-6 (Kills-Deaths). So I obtain great joy demolishing people at fast-action competitive play. These games only made me angry, not aggressive. I think the game that made me realize how aggressive I got was Assassin's Creed 3 where the executions/takedowns were initially satisfyingly brutal to me, and it was always a hype factor when playing with my efriends. Now, I feel I should take a step back and say that I am a level-headed person who is described as stoic by many, so fret not about my use of the term 'aggressive' or my psyche. That said, Dominion (solo queue) is so similar to when I played Domination, and I get super competitive in that mode. I actually care about getting my kills stolen and strive for 1st place on my team through single-killings of enemies and taking of objectives (I'm all for the W, after all.) I don't type at people angrily because I'm too lazy and don't care for scolding people who I see doing something dumb (repeatedly) because I know I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. But, God, if it isn't annoying.
Despite this, Dominion is my favorite mode, and I wish to play it more with friends I know will do the right stuff. (Solo play on team games has always sucked).
If only it gave more XP.

Anyhow, I'm off to level up. Hopefully I'll get enough IP by 30 to buy even more runes and such, because I'm seriously considering using my initial 400 for a 1-day booster.