After watching several OGN matches and hearing what the commentators had to say on the new meta...I remember noticing and hearing one thing in particular...STEALTH champions are stronger. Well...dang...that's true. With the limitations of the Vision Ward and the removal of Oracles Elixir it only makes sense. So...are ALL the stealth champions coming back?

Let's take a look at the champions that have stealth abilities...
- Akali and her Twilight Shroud
- Evelynn and her Shadow Walk
- Kha'Zix and his Void Assault
- Rengar and his Thrill of the Hunt
- Shaco and his Deceive
- Talon and his Shadow Assault
-Captain Teemo and his Camouflage as well as his Noxious Traps
- Twitch and his Ambush
(If I missed anyone feel free to comment below)

Now on that list...after watching OGN Matches... Rengar, Twitch, Evelynn have only been played from what I have seen. Evelynn is strong and viable so I feel like we could possibly be able to see her more and more. Rengar seems to be a highly contested pick and ban now. He probably will be during all of season 4. I AM CALLING IT HERE! (Watch me be dead wrong). However...will we see the return of Kha'Zix and possibly even Shaco?

I would LOVE to see some high level Shaco play! If he could come back in season 4 that would be awesome! As for Kha'Zix, there could be a possible chance for his return. Probably more of an assassin mid laner rather than a top laner.

However...the whole point of this was to say that TEEMO IS COMING INTO HIGH LEVEL PLAY! I'm not joking...his shrooms would be dangerous...and he could sit in the middle of a lane and no one would realize it. I'm calling this one too...Teemo is coming back...he will be the one who carries the season 4 winners to their victory.

Seriously though...stealth champs...they all that now.

Gimmie your thoughts below!