People often say playing support is boring...but to me it isn't. I kinda like it since I don't have to worry much about CSing (partly because I suck at it). Honestly though...I feel that everyone should learn how to decently play a support character. It teaches you how, where, and when to ward. It helps to show how much of a priority warding is. Not only does it help with teaching how to ward...but also gold efficiency.

Because you lack gold from 0 CS then you need to understand what items you need to grab.
-Is Boots more important or should I be grabbing some more sight wards?
-Do I get a Nomad's Medallion or get Mobility Boots?
- Oracle's Elixir or finish my Shurelya's Battlesong?

This also helps to push forward the TEAM FIRST mentality. You are buying aura items...therefore you need to pick up the right ones so that they will be effective. It could be the difference between picking up a Will of the Ancients and a zeke's herald.

Another really teaches you how to be aware of your surroundings and watch the mini-map. Yes...playing as a jungler can teach this too but playing the support sort of teaches it with less stress. You need to always keep tabs on your wards so that you can see if a gank is happening or if an objective is at risk.

I don't know if I said this before but...playing support teaches you one of the most important things in the game IMHO...


Whenever I get the chance I always roam and ward the enemy jungle. It does WONDERS when you can see where your enemies are at all times.

These are just my thoughts are the support role and why people should really learn to play it. Feel free to leave your comments down below...

Nunu & Willump support all the way...