Due to computer problems that my laptop started having, I had to take a very long hiatus from League. Recently I have come back in season 4 due to a friend helping me out by letting me use his new laptop to play league when he's on his newly built computer. So whenever he is at work or doesn't plan on going anywhere that involves using it, I'm catching up on my champs that I play.

I had lost touch with a lot of my main champs, I haven't touched Karma, Nami, or Ahri since I have come back and I feel sad about that because they were my mains back in season 3. I have spent the past few weeks trying things with my other champs like Leona, Janna, Evelynn, Sejuani, etc. Leona has become my main support and Janna is very close second though I know more about Janna than I know about Leona. Go for what you know right? So anyway, I hope to make better guides for these champs as I have been working hard with them and intend to make things better. I wish to help fellow league players with their games.

I hope to make a good impression and that my guides will help someone in their games to play a better role and understand their champ more.