Huu, reader! I am divic, extremely weird and in some odd way veteran mobafire-member. I have rather old mobafire-account but sometimes i have been very active on site and then i may have had one year without logging in. Anyways i have always followed the way of Mobafire from rags to the riches.

I have developed a lot across the years in pretty much every way but still i feel like i am worse than in the start. (I guess I have developed more as a human than as a player) When I started at university and lived in a dorm with foreigners I used to play a lot and perhaps that was my peak as a player, I wasn't excellent player but i got into teams with diamonds and I was enjoying a lot playing league of legends. It was the time when pretty much every single game ended on victory.

Then the army came in... One whole year of frustration... Elo decay... Then, what's on now? Trying to get into it again. All previous teammates are on Plat/Dia, even those who used to be Bronze when I last time saw em are now Diamonds. And I... I'd belong to silver at the moment. With help of my old friends I did get the Victorious Elise but I am not that victorious anymore. Whenever i go to solo, i simply lose. Appears that I am doing okay with troll-champions and troll-builds. I am winning pretty much only when I am playing something what I believe is a troll-build or champ. Feels like I can't focus on normal games. When playing something absurd i gotta focus on playing and then i am doing okay. But when I am doing something easy, then the stupid mistakes come in. Really how is it possible that dat Nidalee is hitting me with spears? Really? How is that Ashe hitting me with his ultimate? Really? How Miss Fortune just killed me with his ultimate? Really wtf is wrong with me? I used to have so strong reflexes that i could have dodged pretty much any ashe ulti, usually with flash but still. 2 years ago I was complete ****** and I did not need any wards. I simply had so good mini-amp awareness and clever little brains that i could have always said where exactly every single enemy was even thought nobody had seen em for couple mins. I know exactly what every kind of players would do in any situation. Now I would die in surprise ******** even thought there would be five wards next to me. I have got used to warding and now even that's not enough. I need misses. I can't look mini-map anymore.

Everything has changed. Feels like I gotta learn the basics again. I should be able to play on my instincts. I do still have something remaining though. I have fancy playing style on amumu for example. All my favorite builds are gone and I am not that good on laning but dat playing style. Going in and out all the time. Dat Flippin Ninja. I still can do amazing tricks with champs like Zyra but I can't help the fact that i am still getting at least five deaths too many per game. On situations like getting Ezreal ulti on my head (how i didn't dodge that) or going one step too far and lee sin doublekicks my *** off. But I can't lane with for example adc, anymore. I can't dodge jungler's ganks on sololanes anymore. I am just piece of ****. Maybe i just need to go the troll-line. I used to play with some random dia-team which used support-Annie a year before everyone else recognized that oh it's playable. I used to play AP-soraka 2-3 years before people saw oh it's playable. Dunno. Should I learn some new playing style, should i try to get my supportive tank-builds work on modern age or should i go the troll way. Somehow i feel like that has more potential for me. Even thought my best performances have been as a jungling support-tank.