Our superb analyst Akimata put these notes together for us after the game and gave me permission to share them here.

Spectator's Notes:

Game 1:

Top Lane: Ersake did a really good job of limiting Riven's overall presence on the map throughout the game. He outfarmed/outharrased Riven (although Riven just played really scared imo). Overall top was a win because Ersake pushed much better and still retained presence.

Mid Lane: TamePurpleLlamas is a god. He had quite a lot of scrambled eggs for breakfast I see.

Jungle: Pretty good all-around presence. Top was basically impossible to gank due to Ersake's shoving. Just some randomly missed E+Q combos and a questionable dive when it was already an advantageous 1 for 0.

Bot Lane: I think Rivert0k2 gets countered by champions with either hooks/hard CC gap closers. Blitz really punished Rivert0k2 for standing still for even a second. Other than that, Axu4 still csed like a god which was good. Caitlyn naturally dominates lane matchups, but I feel like some of the kills were due to lack of cautiousness.


General Mistakes:
- Getting caught warding (although this really isn't any fault of Rivert0k2. Bot lane snowballed so Blitz got alot of wards down before Rivert0k2 could get to Baron area).
- Some misplays (Endocrine8 going too deep for bot and got hook baited into turret. Also there was a fight midlane where Ersake decided to Kennen ult Anivia rather than go ham w/ Endocrine8 who had ulted onto Caitlyn/Riven).

Game 2:

Top Lane: In my opinion, Vlad is generally a weak pick against Singed. Although Vlad gets the early poke down, Singed scales from his tankiness whereas Vlad has to decide where he itemizes. Since Singed got such an early advantage, Ersake was forced to build defensive items, which a) made him do 0 damage, and b) let Singed just free farm lane and snowball even further.

Either Ersake needs to practice Vlad vs. Singed matchup or he could switch to a tanky bruiser so that he can still have teamfight util besides a hemoplague that won't do any damage since he has to rush visage. Also, once Singed got Morello's Tomb, endocrine8 was basically boned.

Mid Lane: Endocrine8 actually did really well against Casseopia. I didn't really pay attention to mid lane very much except for that one time endocrine8 underestimated how strong Shyvana is. Like I mentioned earlier, due to Singed snowball endocrine8 was basically nullified in teamfights.

Jungle: Shyvana got really early advantage because of the level 1 invade, so she got alot of jungle control over tamepurplellamas. Janna kept wards on Blue so they kept active timer on it and rotated smoothly whenever Blue or Dragon was up soon. Janna could afford to ward alot because they had a very aggressive lane combination with disengage. The only real mistakes that were made were the handful of missed bandage tosses.

Bot Lane: Since Singed got snowballed, bot lane actually got the most pressure. They still did really well, but the general loss of map control + scary as fk Singed kind of skewed it towards the enemy team. Also Vayne and Janna are really hard to deal with as Nami/Graves simply because of the amount of disengage and re-engage.


General Mistakes:
- Picking Vlad. I'm not saying Ersake is a bad Vlad, but just in terms of team compositions, Vlad doesn't really synergize well with anybody except Amumu. A better option probably would've been a tanky bruiser that can take losing early game but still be able to farm up to a point where they are useful in fights. Maybe even Udyr (no joke).
- Positioning. Rivert0k2 was trying to ward around Blue jungle but instead ended up being chased. This lead to a huge fight in a narrow corridor, which is basically free candy for Cass/Shyv/Singed. I think it would've been better to let Rivert0k2 get caught and die because it ended up being a 0 for 4.
- I think the level 1 really screwed over the flow of the game. They had aggressive rotations after that and map control was basically forfeited after TamePurpleLlamas got behind and Singed got snowballed.

Really good effort though. I think if I played we probably would've done worse XD
Champions to Watch For:
- Singed
- Shyvana
- Blitzcrank
- Caitlyn

Ending Note: TamePurpleLlamas is a f*cking god on Veigar. Like. Actually.