-This match was one of the first I have played in months so if you can focus on how awesome these other guys are that may be a better idea than watching the actual video. XD Anyway I play Jarvan top and get rocked. Have you ever had that idiot moment where no matter what nothing goes right? That's this match. Hope you all enjoy.

Dont forget to check out my friend SiberianHunt3r @ http://www.youtube.com/user/SiberianHunt3r

Don't forget to check out my pal HybridHippo @ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHybridCreations

Thanks for watching and have a wonderful day

-Facebook: www.facebook.com/guirdiansmash
-Twitter: www.twitter.com/guirdiansmash
-Youtube: www.youtube.com/guirdiansmash

-Thanks for watching
Intro Music
Audio by Teknoaxe