Hello everybody!

This time I tried them all in very short time, so let's have a look today.


I got Judicator for a long time. Friends told me to get her, since she is cheap, and it's great mid champ, that can go also top, support and nowadays jungle as well. That she is ultimate hero, who can go AD, AP or hybrid and still do well. So I got her, feeded mid lanes, top lanes and then abandoned her.t when I play her, she is shiet, when others play her, they are destroying everybody. This time she got another chance to rise and shine.

As a support, I did good. This champion has slow, heal that increases movement and her ulti is ideal for either saving from certain death, or for safe tower dive. People were thanking me so much, I lost the count. Maybe I should really think about playing her as a support some more.

In mid lane it was OK as well. I faced Ryze and even though I feeded FB, from then he was by biatch. I'm becoming a real bot master thanks to these tryouts :D I went for recommended items, built her full AP and was able to put out really big damage, but she needs quite a lot of money for that. Which means - you need farm as much as possible and top it up with a 2 - 3 kills preferably. And secure dragons.

With her jungle performance I am not quite sure and I am going to try it in normals soon. She performed well, and ganks were OK. I can imagine her being really annoying jungler, since she comes to the lane, slow the enemy, start dealing her AoE dmg and to piss the enemy even more, heals the ally. But again, I couldn't get enough money for end game items, just some core stuff. Now imagine I was facing enemy jungler as well, and maybe it will not be so good. But I heard people are going for jungle Kayle lately, so again - buy her, she is cheap (450 IP) and try. Nothing to lose.

I did not try this one and I never will. This is my No.1 hated character in this game, thanks to the polish tards. When I started with LoL, and during my pre-S4 provisionals, polish kids were insisting on going Master Yi and no reasoning could stop them. They played him mid, jungle, even as a support (I guess he is viable as a support, since he has a heal). Ofc they were feeding like hell, and then flaming the chat with all thier "kurwa", "noob team report" and stuff.

I don't care if he is good or not, I got him so I could play rankeds (450 IP), but I never played him, never will and I hope he will stay unpopular for the rest of the time. Fcking Polish noob pick...

I mained this champion for a long time and if I had a heart, she would have a special place in there. Again - one of the cheapest champs out there, and as I said 100x already - imho the best champion to learn how to support. With her kit and recent buffs she can easily cover your mistakes, without team mates blaming you. Her main problems are lack of CC and team fight presence, and help-to-secure-kill-for-your-adc potential. But if you are new to the game, or supporting in general, I insist she is the best option. I got her a skin as well, the dryad one. This is my only gay champion I like and therefore she is pardoned for being all too much about "light", "peace", "truth" and all that shiet... :D

This was the very first champion I ever bought with my first IP :) But I played him for maybe 2 weeks while at lvl 5 till 7, then switched to other champs, so this time I played him properly for a first time.

Jungle - now I see why all polish Bronze players love to play him. I could farm all the camps numerous times and never used a single health potion. But it took so long... And that's it. Gank at lvl 4 was a joke. I came on lane, used W so top laner could get more hits and then went back to jungle as I was not able to catch anyone. Also geting a kill was not possible as my W boosted everybody around and I had to either use my Q or AA too soon (therefore miss the kill) or the enemy jumped/walked away and I had nothing to close the distance (only Flash or Infinite Duress. Luckily his ult has just about minute cooldown, but I felt pretty useless till late game, where I was like a secondary melee support.

On top lane it was a bit better, I had an insane sustain, but I never could get full build. Not even in 40 min bot game! Sure, I could 1v2, but if nobody came and finished them, bots either killed me after I ran out of mana, or they just walked away (since WW's speed is terrible). His main issue is - he is unable to get lots of gold, which he needs for his expensive builds. I love WW, I would love to learn how to top lane with him, but his lack of mobility, slow gold gain and expensive lifestyle just makes him unavailable atm. He needs a solid rework, or buff.

Ultimate noob pick. In both games I wouldn't die once, if Kayle wasn't selfish butch (once moved away and not tanking Cait's ulti, in 2nd game didn't give me heal or ulti... actually she healed only herself whole game). Nvm. His cooldowns are insanely low (ulti got 80 sec on lvl 1) and his E is like 2nd Flash. If I played this champ and got good with him, I would consider not taking Flash but maybe something else (like when messing around with Shaco).

All in all, I did not like this one. He is too easy to play, very forgiving for mistakes (you overstretched? Just E back), his ulti is always up and his joke is a parody of Indiana Jones. But he is so gay... I recommend this expensive champ for every new ADC out there. But I'm not going for him. Boring.

P.S: A friend of mine calls him Justin Beiber :D

Played her for free last year, didn't like her a bit. First of all she is melee, which is a big problem during laning phase. Sure, she can be menacing, but if she misses her E, she gets punished. Also she is very prediictable - when starts charging at you or activate her W, you just run a bit back, let her W pass (or dodge the E) and then punish her for trying to be funny with you. HEr only chance is to be a menace in the bush. BNut then - jsut ward it and she is done.

But I must admitt, her all-in is insane, all her abilities are either hard CC or slows and if she catches you with her ADC 2v1, has enough mana and all spells are off cooldown - you are going to die. Stun with E, press W, stun again with Q and when that stun goes off, your W explodes and slows everybody around... and if for some weird reason the enemy is still alive - jsut R him and by the time that goes off, your spells should be ready again. Insane!

But long story short - I'm not impressed. I don't like this highr risk-reward champion and I don't like all-in. One more thing - I think she may do great in 5v5 teams, but not in SoloQ. If your team mates don't fight when you engage, or focus someone else than the one you stunned, you are going to feed a lot.

Though, yesterday I saw pretty good Leona. She was insane, had no problem just walk straight into middle of the enym group and start stunning everybody, so we just jumped to her and finish the enemy team. But if we were stupid, she would be dead all the time.

Very good mid laner. He has a nice poke and his W is a great reposition tool as for yourself, that of the enemy. And you can detonate it anytime within the timer, which is great. I think he needs practice so you will be able to do miracles with him, but I remember my friend grinding him for few weeks and then he did some awesome stuff with him.

It was fun KSing with his ulti or Q bomb, and his laugh is just perfectly annoying... but for me he is not much fun to play. I recommend this champion, seen him do great on mid lane against most of the champions, but certainly I am not going to buy him.

Another reunion thanks to the free rotation. Months ago, I wanted to buy him, but he was too pricey. This time, after playing him again, I did not like him so much. HE seems to be so slow... I had problems to last hit, and his gear is very, VERY expensive. He feels like "feast or famine" kind of hero, also his movement speed is very low. I did well in bot game,s but in PvP I performed very poorly. Couldn't get a kill, couldn't CS, and my support was just running around the bush and not even warding. So I could not do a squatt.

Then again, I saw good Varus players, supported one or two already, but nowadays nobody plays him. I don't see his icon in those "spectate ranked matches" window in game client. People say he is still viable and good in current meta, but really, I didn't see him in a while. Maybe because of his price or something... I don't know. I was not enjoying the game when playing him, so I stay away from this guy.

I think I found my first top laner I would enjoy playing. He is a beast, and can deal massive damage with no items at all. In my first bot game I went 32/7/16, which is something I never ever achieved before. Usually I struggle to get enough gold for 3 end game items, before my team mates rush the nexus, but not with this guy. Wherever I came, I killed. And still managed to get about 200 armor and 100+ MR (used 9/21/0 masteries). At first, I felt that something is not right about him. It was the fact, he is melee. I'm not used to get up close and personal with the others. But when I overcame that, it was OK.

I got lucky and could get top lane in one of my PvP games. I faced Dr. Mundo, nearly killed him in pre 6. Then I had a problem, fed him with 2-3 kills, as well as their jungler. Then I let them to get my tower, so they both start to roam and then I recognized my chance. I started to farm jungle and abandoned lanes, got basic items and then joined skirmishes and team fights. All fo a sudden I picked up 3 kills, got better items and since then, I started to kick some ***! I felt really good and took my revenge on Mundo few times. And I don't play top at all, mind me. :D

Another good thing is, nobody bans this champion, and I understand why he is so expensive. His abilities are pure "engage and kill" set, and I added him to my "buy for half price RP" list amongst the other champions. Again - I don't understand why nobody plays him in low elo. I think he is worth it and can get you to high divisions without breaking a sweat. And he is a Noxian!!! :D

Two things speaks very strongly against this champion. He is very gold dependant and even worse - boring. In first game I tried to jungle with him, and could not get enough money to actually do something. I was like a useless fifth player who sometimes slowed escaping enemy so team mates could finish him. Also from my own experience, I never encountered good Aatrox jungler. His early game ganks are avoidable very easy and he benefits from split pushing and very long games when his team is pushing the enemy to the base, so he can finally farm all the lanes and jungle.

Next game I tried him top, it was a bit better, but I was really bored. I don't see the fun to play him, even though I could get a kill, since I manage to get some equipment. Just personal preference I guess, but compared to Darius, he is very much "not there". And if he is denied of CS or kills, he can go fcuk himself and just dance in front of baron. But at least now I understand how is he able to duel, so I know how to play against him.

See you next week, sumoners :)

Previous reviews:
Week 3 - Anivia, Karthus, Malphite, Sivir, Shen, Orianna, Draven, Kha'Zix, Elise, Nami
Week 2 - Ashe, Pantheon, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Sona, Nocturne, Fiora, Lulu, Jayce, Quinn