Yesterday I decided to keep a little notes about my ranked games. After the game, I put down some info, check replays and evaluate mistakes/good plays. Like this, I think I can track back my past games and to see, if I'm making progress overall, or not.

These posts are mainly for myself, I think none of you guys can find anything interesting or helpful, so feel free to skip these... Only reason why I don't post this as "unlisted" is, so my mentor can check it out (for now, his name will be unrevealed, in case I do poorly, as it will not be his fault).



  • rankeds only during weekends (maybe fridays)
  • not playing if not feeling 100% "there"
  • watching ranked replays
  • keeping the diary
  • learn as much as possible from mentor

SATURDAY 8.2.2014

Main problem was playing against 3 (S3) gold players

Elise - in lobby she said "trust me im great jungler", engaging with 600hp in mid and late game, babysitting bot for easy kills, not helping top and mid at all, toxicity and flaming. Muted in mid game, reported afterwards
Pantheon - pantheon mid, nuff said. He also flamed everybody so I muted him in about 15 min
Volibear - troll build
Caitlyn - could not get kill > no money > no dmg
Thresh - stole 1 or 2 kills like a ******. Mostly annoying were my hooks - Elise or Panth stunned the enemy second before I landed the hook, so I missed.

NOTE: LoL Replays crashed, have no replay to learn from :(

I was afraid, since I am not feeling comfortable with Nami for ranked games atm. Luckily my team mates were teamworkers, did what was expected from them (grouped up, did not call unnecessary baron, did dragon when I pinged him or he was up). All honored.

Nami - once I went for a kill. TF flashed with just about 10-40 hp left, so I flashed after him, went under tower, killed him with Ebb and Flow and run away. At the same time, Jinx was chased by their jungler and support, and they got her. But to save her would be risky - if I missed the bubble, we would die both. And she was trying to fight them both too far from our turret anyway.

Enemy team had Twisted Fate on mid so I knew he would be bad, Lee Sin sucked, Thresh sucked, Corki was somewhat good but could not do anything since Thresh missed 90% of his hooks. Elise - top lane, 0/6/0 says it all I guess.

Note: practice more Nami in normals! (missed 9 out of 19 bubbles, too bad)

Toxicity and bad team play killed the enmy team. Even though I was afraid Galio will do poorly on mid and Lee Sin was forced to jungle (he wanted mid I think), they both did good.

Thresh - from those 9 deaths, only 2 were from focus in team fight. All the rest could be avoided, if I played bit more carefuly, and not so overly-aggresive. I did 5 bad calls and initiated/fought at the wrong time. My only luck was, most of those kills picked up Lux and not Vayne. Really stupid.