Published : Dec 10, 2013 By Harriet

S4, Draven, DoubleLiftIt has been weeks since the launch of Preseason 4. Now players all pay attention to the jungler and support. Recently, with DoubleLift’s article on S4 ADC champions, players are hotly discussing the role ADC. In his article, Draven is on T2 can counter trump cards in S4 like Lucian and Jinx. But there is the premise – you never miss catching the axe and are able to deal much.
Some players complain that the bottom lane bush makes it more difficult for Draven to catch the axe. For normal players, Draven is not a champion on T2 since he’s difficult to operate.
“The new bush on bottom lane makes me unable to judge the direction of my axe! You can catch it only if you are a senior Draven player. As to me, I mainly play Draven and have played over 500 matches. Even though, I missed the axe many times. I hope that the bug can be fixed in next patch.” A player complained. It’s noteworthy that there was also player complaining that the new bush in S4 increased the difficulty of placing wards. And some ward locations in S3 can’t offer the vision for the whole bush now.
What’s interesting is that players all posted and complained about the new passive of Draven, they thought the passive which increases money was quite useless.