Well, I finally hit level 8. This is an exciting time in my development as a Garen player; being level 8 means that I finally have access to Flash (I have one more spell to unlock, Ignite, but I don't see myself using it terribly often, so I am not nearly as concerned about that). I am still playing in bot matches only for the most part, but I did dip into my first Coop match last week. It was highly instructional, and both players who I ran it with have added me as a friend. In addition, I just found out that one of my closest RL friends plays (I did not know this before), so we may be running games together soon.

I have spent an inordinate amount of time poring over the Items page on the wiki, designing item builds to suit me in different situations. I have found that, when playing against bots alone, my fastest path to victory lies in taking the mid-path (despite Garen's traditional placement, in the Battle Training line-up, it's just too slow trying to slough through Sivir and Malphite with only a poorly-played bot of Master Yi to back me up), and to stack attack damage, attack speed, and on-hit effects like life-steal. I may change things up when I get to play in PvP, but I do like the fact that I can pump out so much damage so quickly.

I am experimenting with Frozen Mallet as one of my end-game weapons on Garen, to help secure kills when enemy bots that are losing trades (as all of them except a well-fed Malphite do, at least when I am facing them 1v1) turn to flee. So far, I have yet to finish one, as the bot games just end too quickly for me to save enough gold to complete it), but I am confident that I may be on to something; slows can be really nasty, and having reliable means to inflict slow while having reliable means to break slows placed on me (namely, Decisive Strike) will really help to close gaps in these situations. Being well fed is the surest path to quick upgrades, after all, and slowing enemies beats trying to chase them, since they have a tendency to run back towards towers.

I am trying to develop more skill at last-hitting, so as to increase my early game income. I think that the last-hitting mechanic adds a lot of additional challenge to laning, and makes it a lot more interesting. I tend to have a relatively low CS in the bot games, because after getting even a little bit fed, my role changes to sniping Nasus every time he comes down mid as a way to push my lane, as well as mauling the inhibitor and the towers that defend the Nexus. I am looking forward to playing in a traditional PvP match, but it's probably going to be a long road to travel before I am ready. That's alright; I am having fun with things even confining myself to bot battles, and I am learning more every day.