I noticed a lot of people in Bronze five (or even the bronze in general) seem to use the scapegoat that it is their team members fault that they are unable to get win a game or ever get out of the lowest rank available. They just blame their team mates for feeding and not effectively communicating or sometimes they complain about the lack of jungle pressure or the mid-laner not roaming. I feel that it isn't necessary to harass someone about their mistake, it tends to have a negative effect on the game that is easily avoidable.

I have tried to get out of bronze for a few weeks with the occasional day when I play 2-4 games. I can honestly say that although there is the occasional team that feels near-impossible to carry my inability to get out of the rank I am in is mostly because of my own gameplay. I do not have amazing decision making logic nor do I have divine character mechanics but I certainly can serve my team rather well. And though I don't play horrible and feed or have poor map awareness I look at myself making a number of mistakes that I am trying to learn from.

Something which I find rather puzzling is that I play at such an inconsistent level. Sometimes I will be able to farm well and get fed but I have also seen games where I had an early death to jungle minions or made a bad gank and I just snowballed downward in a sense. I get so far behind that for a while I am forced to either power-farm or split push to catch up when my team does need me there. At the least when I am doing well I tend to have a steady pace on progression, team fighting well and having a clear sense of prioritization.

For the time being I am playing ranked and reviewing my mistakes and improving on my plays against certain champions. I hope that in doing so I improve enough to carry myself out of bronze regardless of if my team is slightly lacking.