So even though I have still been on league at a constant rate I didn't go onto MOBAFire much to look at builds, I tend to look it up on YouTube and other sources which caused me to forget to blog. Within the few months that I took a break I experience a rather odd phenomenon that I don't really consider to be ELO hell but rather and ELO wall to me. I have been going in and out of Bronze 5-4, perhaps about 7-8 different times. I would go from rock bottom to about 60 LP on B4, and then go all the way back down to rock bottom again, only to repeat this cycle.

I looked up on what might be causing it after the 3rd time to find out that I probably raise from skill but fall for a number of different reasons. The first few times I fell from frustration of the previous games, and I would just be on bad streaks because of the attitude carried from game to game. After I calmed a it and started taking breaks between games I noticed I had a more enjoyable experience and did better from game to game.

So I came to that point where I would go into games and I would win with a team where the members weren't absolutely bad or troll since we were able to communicate and play with ease.
The difference of how people play in Bronze 5 and 4 isn't noticeable, they (I guess I should say we since I am in that rank/ELO as well) still don't capitalize on mistakes, do objectives when they get the chance and have mediocre map awareness and positioning.

I actually had to stop jungling because I found that I wasn't able to keep up with the demands of most teams and farm my jungle well. I find that most games there are at least two lanes which need a good chunk of help and who need it consistently, and even though I can gank for them I tend to fall behind if I do. I am not really giving up on the jungle but I am trying to learn how to play champions who can carry in jungle much easier (such as Vi, Kha'zix and Udyr).Still need to practice, still need to get much better.

So I played picked up a whole lot of different champs and saw that I actually like a good range of roles. Some of the stronger picks in the meta such as Darius and Ziggs stuck pretty well with me, while I had some other strong that I seemed to have trouble playing well, like Jayce and Twisted Fate. And I mention a Top laner and a mid laner since those positions feel natural for me to play. I really like jungling and I can carry easier with an AD carry but it feels like I have a good control in those lanes, since they are solo lanes.

So that is kinda where I have been, I decided it would be good to return to writing on MOBAFire to really keep track of my progress better instead of just mindlessly playing while my rank ebbs and flows in the same spots.