My Rune Pages


Hello guys!
For some reason cant stop changing Champion on every game I play. Maybe i know why...
it's because I found it stimulant. And this way the game is more addictive to me.
So the problem was that i had change runes before every game. The Champion changing made
my pages a mess. There was no other way I had to stop and clean up my mess.

After reading some guides around the net for a while I came up with the best rune pages for
Casters, Physical Damage, Supports and Junglers.


About Runes

Mobafire has an awesome rune guide Called Rune tips. You should go there and learn more about runes if you want.

Here is some secret codes Ill use:
AD = Attack Damage
AS = Attack Speed
ArP = Armor Penetration
MrP = Magic/MR Penetration

MP5 = Mana-regen Per 5 seconds
CDR = Cooldown Reduction
AP = Ability Power
MR = Magic Resist

GP10 = Gold per 10 seconds
MS = Movement Speed

General Rune Pages


Marks: MrP
Seals: Armor
Glyphs: AP/lvl
Quintessences: AP

I dont use MP5 'cause Im good with mana and it's rare for me to be out of mana.
Maybe because the jungler is giving me the second Blue or I use masteries/mana pot.
I used AP Seals but they didnt helped alot.

The best game with this page I did it with Mordekaizer.
I start with Regrowth Pendant if Im going mid and Doran's Shield if you going top.
When i go back to the base I rush Sorcerer's Shoes and later Will of the Ancients,
Rylai's Crystal Scepter. After that i usualy build something that will negate the
type of dmg the enemy do to me like Abyssal Scepter or Guardian Angel. At this point
the game is ending but if not I go for Lich Bane... many laughed at me for using
this item but i can assure you it works very well on morde.

Solo/Carry AD:

Marks: ArP
Seals: Armor
Glyphs: MR
Quintessences: AD

AD marks are not bad either. You can see the difference between AD and ArP on some Champions
but it feels better with ArP is my opinion.

With this rune page Graves can easily solo top or even play carry bot. I had some easy games
and the build was like every carry Boots, HP pots, Dorans blade, Vampiric Scepter, BF Sword,
After that all i do is to finish the items and take 1 more situational armor or MR item.

Tanks - Offtanks:

Marks: ArP or MrP.
Seals: Armor.
Glyphs: MR or MR/lvl.
Quintessences: MS.

Tanks is what i play better and this is the rune page i use. TanksAD like Garen, Jarvan,
Volibear, Heracrim, Nasus, Shivana, Renecton are just unstopable if you engage right.
And the TanksAP like Malphite, Amumu, Shen, Galio, Rammus, Sejuani (even tanky supports
like Alistar, Leona, Taric) who are great with their CC skills can withstand great amound
of DMG.

Last time TankAD i played solo top jarvan against jax. It was so easy that i was ganking mid
'cause if i pushed i could break his tower at the first 7 min of the game. And that could
hurt my farming.

One of the best TankAP that i dont see many playing is malphite. He can solo with close eyes.
He has a great skills and awesome gank potencial. But last time i played Support-tank leona
bot on a ranked game. Even with less than 20 CS i was tanking and engaging team fights... we
didnt win all of them but the game was ours. My last score was 3/0/19 not the best but not
bad for a support-tank.

Junglers AD:

Marks: 3 ArP & 6 AS
Seals: Armor
Glyphs: MR
Quintessences: ArP

"AS quints are generally not needed. You can just use 6AS marks, 3ArP marks and 3ArP quints
to achieve the same effect as AS quints+ArP marks."-Searz wrote at his guide.

The AD junglers i play best with this build is Warwick, Nocturne and Udyr. Im sure that
Trundle and Olaf can be played with this page easily.

Junglers AP:

Marks: MrP
Seals: Armor
Glyphs: MR
Quintessences: AP

This page help you jungle easily with Amumu, Malphite, Rammus.
(i didnt try it on Maokai, Skarner, Nunu yet).


Marks: MrP or ArP.
Seals: MP5, MP5/lvl
Glyphs: CDR
Quintessences: GP10

This is the common support page i use when i play like Soraka or Sona NOT tanky-supports like
Alistar, taric, leona.
Supports are the last type of champions i learned to play. I have many ranked games won with
support and i cant believe it. Maybe it's just luck.

Last Words

I started a smurf account and it took me 2 months to get 30lvl by using only 5 different
Marks: ArP-MrP
Seals: Armor
Glyphs: MR
Quintessences: Armor-AP
SO found out when I use the same or similiar Rune Pages in every champion i play top, mid, bot
or Jungle it makes the early game easier(and feels good) 'cause this way you know your limits,
you know what you can do and as result you can take FB easier, stay to your lane longer, take
CS and harrass the same time without pushing. Your stats and what you can do or not do is on
your subconscious after some games.
I found this helping improuve my game so I thought I should write it down.

PS.Please excuse my grammar and every other mistake i did :D