I don't like being a conformist. It's not as though I have strong need to be different, but it's just that I feel that things could be a lot better if they were another way. I'm speaking about League, of course, and when I say convention, I'm not talking about some kind of meeting like MineCon or anything. What I'm talking about is something more along the lines of doing something that agrees with the norm. I don't particularly enjoy the idea of being a conformist and just doing what everyone says to do because it doesn't help anyone--if I were to do that I wouldn't be able to explore different options on my own to see what I liked best. There are a lot of people out there who play League; millions of people use the same build for the same champion, but play this champion completely different from one another. The ones who made the game what it is today just by playing and seeing what works and what doesn't are the ones that truly understand what it is that they're building, or why it is that they do a certain thing at any given time. People who join in later only hear about it, and really aren't given much time to explore these different possible avenues of gameplay for themselves. I don't enjoy that one bit--and I don't find it productive in the least.

There isn't a way to fix this "issue", because with time and hours comes (hopefully) more understanding of the game and the strategies behind it. There are things that work, things that can work, and things that can't work. The things that can work are some of what I like to explore because maybe, just maybe, I might be able to find some strengths hidden within my findings. I've tried what works already, and it's often great, but there are some changes that can be made to what works to make it even better. All I'm trying to do is find what those things are.