Over this past week I've been able to think about a lot of things, and these contemplations caused me to undergo a complete paradigm dissolution and replacement. Because of this, I also think about LoL in a different way or out of a different lens than I did before. One of these realizations was about League and it's ranking system. Having gotten into Gold Elo, I've finally begun to see just how bad everyone actually is at this game.

Everyone has that group of friends that they play with. Well, not everyone; some are just meant to fly alone (these people tend to be better than the average player). The mediocrity that is called playing with friends, especially this group because this one looks just like the Bronze-filled games that most people in my Elo have to play at the beginning of the new season, has very negatively impacted my quality and skill as player. They don't actually care about winning the game since all of their focus if put into either stupid **** that happens in the early game, which automatically puts them on tilt, and not getting completely stomped. Getting stomped out of lane for these type of people is literally (very very literally) more than enough to make them troll, feed intentionally, or just afk altogether. Their skills are melancholic, they think that they are good at the game since they don't know what a real game of League of Legends feels or looks like.

Most of all, it's their mindset which keeps them, and those close by, from getting any better at the game. Ranked for them is filled with trolls, afks, and feeders, which they very much are, causing them to rage easily and be effected by small things that happen in the game. I **** you not I have a friend that will literally ***** about everything at all points in the game. He tends to be quite the toxic player, even though he doesn't type it, and is by far the most negative out of everyone that plays. Every game he plays the same role, the same type and set of champions, and very rarely wins lane in a genuine manor. His skills aren't being used correctly and cooldowns for anything, even summoners, aren't respected. If he has to flash, it's someone but his fault (I'm not even joking). He will sit there and try to blame someone for him having to use flash. And he doesn't actually know how and when flash is meant to be used; he knows that it's a blink with a long cooldown and doesn't acknowledge that there could be something that he isn't aware of.

Laning, for him and many like him, is merely a place where kills happen. Every lane is a kill lane. There is no trading, farming, roaming (not even the jungler ganks often), communication, or anything of the sort. If there are any of these, then they appear in low and inconsistent amounts. To people like him, Top is where the broken champions go, Mid is where the annoying champions with 10000000 damage go, Junglers are ******ed for not ganking at all points in the game (since he can't be in lane for long without getting completely poked down or killed), and ADs are all bad and have no idea what they are doing (all except for his best friend who is an AD main). In season 5, in about late October/early November he placed in Silver 4, which isn't terrible, but isn't within the 'ok, I guess maybe' measurement. Since he placed Silver and has the border and icon and everything he doesn't think that he's bad (or how bad) at all. This is basically how people from B5 to S4 think. I mean, they can deny it all that they want but if they ever find themselves climbing a bit and looking down at all the lower players and seeing the **** that they do, they will probably come and write a blog post similar to this one.

All getting better is is the byproduct of a clear and informative mindset. Information within the game is the only thing that is valuable. I'm not necessarily talking about mechanical and numerical information like animation canceling or the cooldowns of certain abilities, summoner spells, and items. I'm talking about things that you can see in the actually game that you are playing; what exactly are you seeing? Always answer that question and you should be able to get yourself through most, if not, all situations that you are put in. Situations, by definition, depend on certain specific factors that could be subject to change (or not) at any given time. This leaves an astounding amount of room that exists just for the information that you collect during the game.
The better one gets at using such information to create an advantage, the more skilled they become.

The last thing I'm going to talk about in this blog is patience in regards to one's mindset. The more patient a player truly is, they better they are. Speed and patience are the same thing; what makes people who have fast and strong reactions to situations and are successful are also very patient. The opposite of this being something very similar but almost devoid of patience entirely.
This patience is what every player strives for (I'm not kidding. Every single player) since it disguises, very perfectly and very unintentionally, skill for ineptness. It's kind of like in Dragon Ball Z, during the Frieza Saga when Goku first arrives on planet Namek, he has to fight the Ginyu Force, which was apparently an extremely powerful and legendary intergalactic group of fighters that work directly under Frieza himself, all of which is just an aside; but when Goku showed up, they thought that he was extremely weak--everyone did since they didn't know that he had been training during his trip, and nobody in Frieza's armada can read a person's power level without a scouter. Goku knew how strong he was compared to them. His calculations were so precise that even he surprised himself with his abilities.

The way to really really improve is to master the art of patience. Don't panic in any situation that you are in. Take however long that you possibly can, look at what's going on; I mean REALLY look. What all do you see? What is covered by the fog? Look at each individual player and what they are doing. What are they doing? You can use this question to try and imagine what they could be thinking--this trick is a very effective one and is something that can be used in any possible situation. If you mess up, that's good--very good actually since failure is something to be learned from. If a person never failed at something, how would they be able to improvise during other similar yet different situations, or even the same exact one? This is by far the most important thing for all players to have mastered to at lest some degree if they want to have any amount of success climbing the ranked latter.

For anyone that reads this kind of long and wordy blog post, then please try to take what I've written here to heart, and remember that you don't want to set goals at all and that League of Legends is a game where information and patience are priceless to have.