Playing ADC sucks now and I will explain why.

1) Supports have such a huge influence on the laning phase. In the past it was also the case that supports were more impactful than ADCs in lane, but now it's getting to a ridiculous level. A damagey support like Annie can practically instantly kill both enemy laners and tanky supports are impossible to auto down while providing high amounts of CC.

2) This wouldn't be so bad, but supports now also scale crazily. You can literally lose 1v1 to a damage support at most stages of the game and meanwhile tank supports are getting even more impossible to kill. When support Annie has a DFG, Void and Deathcap and Taric has a Randuin's, Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage, good luck doing **** to them. Supports now act as an additional AP carry/tank throughout the game.

3) Relating to point 2, there are now too many threats in the game for an AD carry to deal with. Every single member of the enemy team is now able to potentially instakill you and/or tank your damage for long periods of time. Even if you're a god at positioning, engaging in teamfights is an absolute ****ing nightmare and you're going to get screwed over hard if your team isn't on the ball.

4) Only a select few ADCs are even possible to play right now. If you're not playing something broken like Lucian, Jinx or Sivir you might as well just bend over, and almost every ADC pick gets wrecked 1v1 by every other role with little chance to escape.

In summary ADC feels like it's now the least impactful role in the game. I can't do **** in most lategames anymore when the enemy team is entirely made up of unkillable bruisers or AP carries who can one shot me, and I'm entirely reliant on support making plays to get through laning. Why should I bother with tediously farming for 30 minutes and STILL being the least impactful member of the team when I could just play a support, not farm at all, and make fun plays all game getting a ton of kills?

Just my opinion but yeah fk this game.