I'm Major Swain. I am a Jungle Main. Hecarim is my main Champion.
The reason I main Jungle is because I am good with Jungle timers, counterjungling and early ganks.

I have been playing since Season 1 before Kayle got reworked.

My first Champion I ever played and mained was Rammus. I prefer tanks and offtanks such as Hecarim, Nautilus, Cho'gath Rammus, Alistar, Leona, Jarvan IV, and Nasus.
I mained Toplane during Season 1& 2, and transitioned into the jungle during Season 3.
I can play all roles well.
In Toplane, I play Cho'gath, Jax, Nasus, Nautilus, and J4.
In Mid, I play a vicious Annie. Also I play Anivia and Ahri.
In Bot ADC, I play Ashe.
In Bot Support, I play Lulu, Nautilus, Leona and Alistar

In 3v3's I play Shyvana, J4, Jax, Annie, Galio and AD Mordekaiser.
In Dominion I only play top as Rammus and Alistar.

I love troll builds though I don't use them often. My only original and successful trollbuild is AD Mordekaiser.

Hope to see yall on the Fields of Justice!

Soviet Swain Approves!
-Major Swain