We had a good practice session tonight. The randoms were very understanding and let us practice our lanes, thank you whomever you are! After each game we did a little critique over what went well and what needed some work. One of the things we talked about was protecting towers. It came about because I got caught and died. My tower was about 30% health, the top laner was pushing the mid tower with a wave, and the jungler was clearing the wraiths (or whatever they heck they are now!) The jungler and the top laner were a little over half health. The question is, should the jungler do something to protect the tower, or should they keep clearing the wraiths.

Here is what we got from the discussion, its not a rule, just a theory that needs some testing:
1) If the jungler shows himself at the tower and the top-laner is alone, they may back off.
2) Clearing out the minions could also back the top-laner off the tower.
3) If the "Damage Potential" is high, best to stay hidden and continue clearing the jungle.

There are so many other factors that come in, if there is a level difference between the laner and jungler. If the "DUDE Potential" is high (cannot see the rest of the enemy team on the map) the risk is too much. But if given a chance, get the tower clear of minions so the champs have to take the hits to dive.

We concluded that being behind meant he needed to be safe, and that we should have coordinated the covering of lanes better. Towers are more important objectives than the jungle.