If there was a certain way of beating every champion, that would be so easy for all of us. But unfortunately, some players still do not understand, that this game is much more complex and it takes more to win a single game just to dominate your lane opponent. This takes me to my recent game where I played Lee Sin in the jungle. Right after our picks, I was 90% sure that if we do not win this game in a 20 minute mark, we never will. And I was right. Our picks looked like this:
    top lane: Heimerdinger vs. Yorick
    jungle: Lee Sin vs. Vi
    mid lane: Nidalee vs. Yasuo
    marksman: Twitch vs. Jinx
    support: Thresh vs. Annie
Right there you can see that our team comp is all about poke and ranged harrass. So even when we were winning 10/1 and it looked really good for us, we lost it eventually. There are many reasons why. Yasuo got fed on top lane ganks, Heimerdinger was not able to make an impact in team fights, I should have gone for more defensive build even when I was 5/0 in 8 minutes and many more. But my point is, why do you want to pick such champion that brings nothing against enemy team like Heimerdinger or Nidalee? Despite the fact that Heimer got caught by Vi and Yasuo multiple times, you just can not expect to win a 5v5 against a fed Yasuo and Vi´s ultimate that ignores any kind of CC you throw at her. And our team had just little CC as well. Add Annie and her AoE stun and you can see how it goes.
I do not like losing of course, but I do not mind losing if it is a good game and you learn a few things maybe. But I really hate losing due to silly picks or silly tactics made by players who only think about their solo lane.