So yeah , i started today with 61 points and i lost a game because our kata found because she lost mid she could just leave because she is gold 5 already so she went afk and we lost that game straight up , second game i went riven vs trundle and i kinda stomped that whole game the game ended in like 18 min , next game i played our mid laner and toplane were premade and just lose straight up and we lost that game too , next game i go top as riven and my yi ganks and runs up my lane for no reason and smites my cannon pushes my lane for no reason . and then their xin camped and i got a dived and killed xin and died to lee , then our syndra didnt ward and lee got a kil there , and braum flamed syndra and syndra was "offended" because she hates getting flamed on so she bought ad items and just kept dieing and we lost that one too... so now i am at 27 points in silver 1

i think i can just forget my goal for gold and stick with normals , my motivation is almost gone for ranked , in 2 seasons i just cant see to get gold , both seasons i was sooo close

i guess im just bad My winrate is 217-246 46,7% winrate.. i gain 18-20 and lose 20-18
Some people are just not that good it seems (like me)
because i will never reach gold or higher i think ..

I think il just give it up and stick with normals...

thanks for reading..