Ok this is my first post and "rant" because I've got a problem to get off my chest. As most of you recall LoL has the LeaverBuster system which indescriminantly bans players who leave games frequently, normally regular games. Now my question is why does Co-Op vs AI count as a normal game, I was told by many of my friends in League that if you leave Co-Op vs AI that it would not count to your LeaverLevel. Were my friends wrong in saying this or is there a bug in the so called "perfect" system. I'm only saying this because I got banned for a few days after leavig (crashing in) a Co-Op vs AI game when I left a few more times prior to that unfortunate event. Now I call upon you people to clear thigs up for me and give me the knowledge to attempt to prevent such problems in the future. Hope to see you all in the Fields of Justice.