Man it keeps happening, I'll shoot up to plat 3 win like 2 game in a row then go on tilt and like lose 4. Putting me back at plat 4 with 75 points over and over again. I have reached what i like to call the infinite loop because, i have yet to see my team play at its full potential because for some reason my junglers think camping top wins games. :/

In true honesty Some of these games I know I myself can be the issue due to the fact of me not stopping my lane opponents from roaming, even though I warn my teammates ahead of time and push my lane as its happening, They still get frustrated and say you should of followed, but couldn't they have just disengaged lived and we get a turret out of it?

Play making is made by the players, every move your enemy makes allows you to make a play either good or bad, That is something we should all take into account. Just barely avoiding a skill shot can be crucial, but body blocking for a more important damage role is also crucial.

Everyone plays this game to win (atleast most do), Because we have more fun win we win! Its always good to see that big Victory! screen at the end of a game, Either it be a stomp or a rough game, The relief of stress the cheers of your team that you hear echo in your heart! That's something I love and I don't like feeling that someone else cost me the game, Because there is always a point in the game which you could of played better yourself.

Good Luck to Everyone Out There!