I had an entire week to try and climb in ranked and I ended the week with 15 more lp than when I started. I started the week trying to be convenient for everyone and just fill, which kept landing me as support. The few times I got other roles my support would suck or be mad because they didn't really want to support so it didn't matter that I was like 7-1-0 in lane as Renekton and tried to draw pressure top lane because my team would pick dumb fights without me. By the time I could get there, I might get a kill or be able to hold, but the fight would usually be over(because they would have to fight bot or near dragon and not mid lane where I could at least have a shot at getting there). IDK why so many people think that once they get fed, they should go randomly sit in the enemy jungle without any wards. Sure, you get a kill the first time, but then they start warding and all show up to kill you and leave your team in a 4v5 disadvantage.

Anyway, back to the story. I decided to try running just support and start games with "Support or Feed ;)". Thought that would help and then if someone else really wanted support I let them and took a different role. I started winning more than losing so I raised my MMR, but every time I lost I erased what little LP I had gained. So, I had one night where a friend that mains ADC was on. He is Silver V for two reasons: first, he rarely gets good supports and second, he rages way too quickly. So, since I'm his friend he is more patient with me and so I tried to support him. Where we were on the same page, we did well...or at least late game. Somehow every game we played(both when he went adc and I supported or when he went mid and I jungled), we would start off horribly but turn it around and despite letting the other team get baron first. So, I got a 3 win streak going with him, then lost all of my LP from those wins in like 2 losses.

Eventually, I got tired of supporting every game and started calling mid/adc. Got several wins and also had several losses. The main thing to note is hat I am winning more than losing or about even so my MMR is slowly rising. Played several games as Kassadin and I actually seem to win when I don't get fed because that means my team doesn't need me to clean up kills. I actually lost a game where I was 20-5-9. Part of that was my fault for derping and not using Zhonya's when the enemy used his ult. At the same time, my team got a little too bold when we got baron. I tried to get them not to be so bold, but sometimes you can't get people to listen especially when they think they have the game in the bag.

I had some good ADC game and some bad. Usually depended on how good/bad my support was and if mid fed too hard. If I could get to late game, I usually outplayed the other ADC though one Twitch I went against definitely seemed like an ADC main who should be higher than he is.

Finally got a good game with Renekton. Not so much that I played well with him because I have gotten on a role where I destroy anyone I play in lane and even 1v2 them and the jungler around lvl 7 like I did in my most recent game. Played against a Hecarim top and Jax jungler which made no sense to me as they are better switched IMO, but was able to kill the Hec and got my jungle Wukong to help dive the Jax who thought he would hold with like 150 hp. I went a slightly different route than normal. Normally, I just build mostly tank with Renekton and itemize for whatever damage they are putting out. This time, once I completed my Sunfire Cape, I bought a Tiamet before continuing with Randuins(ADC + JAX = kill that AS). I was also thinking of going with a Frozen Mallet to next since I already had my Merc treads with homeguard and they were putting out very little magic damage since their Diana was melting. Anyway, Renekton = good laning phase for me in most scenarios.

I'm gonna try to keep playing ranked when I can, but I may not get too many chances until my wife's next training unless she starts working more overtime. So, I may stick to normals unless I absolutely know I have enough time and the right mindset to play. Either way, I am more encouraged with my play and more discouraged about Ranked and the amount of trolls/rages/"I only play X" people. I better understand why so many people call it "ELO HELL".