My favourite champ has always been Nocturne.
I don't have many skins but I have his ghosty one.

Bored so time for some Normal 5v5.
Matched with Kass, Vayne, Vlad, and Jax.
Against Zyra, Fizz, Rengar, Kha, and Katarina.

Going pretty well.
Early Gank on Kha in first three minutes with the help of Jax.

We take down a few of the first towers and they go on the offensive.
I keep gorging myself in the jungle while everyone else hugs turrets and are pushed back.
Eventually we're pushed to nexus.
Both turrets down,
Nexus at half life,

Hard push them back long enough for the inhibitors to regen.
Everyone just fighting in mid with the occasional bout in the jungle.
70 stack on Feral Flame :3

I take down top lane turrets.
Rengar tries to take me but I quickly dispatch him.
Fizz chases and I barely escape.

Everyone keeps pushing mid.
I go kill dragon a few times.

We eventually out-build the enemy.
It was obvious they did not understand what the TAB button did.

Jax gets triple kill.
Vlad takes a kill.
Both die.
I kill Rengar.
Katarina soon spawns.
She barely kills me.
Minions finish her.
Ace 2

By now purple team freaking out because I got their nexus to tenth health.
Kasadin ports in and finishes it off.

Whole game was fun because there was no fighting amongst players and both sides saw no ill will, each side congratulating each other on good plays and respectfully critiquing each other on the not so good ones.

I wish more games were like this :(

Score Card
<tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> J </td> <td class="hiliteW"> Me </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/nocturne-72" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'72' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/nocturne.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> 15 </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> 10 </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> 14 </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> 323 </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/kassadin-27" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'27' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/kassadin.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/vayne-76" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'76' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/vayne.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/vladimir-56" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'56' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/vladimir.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/jax-15" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'15' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/jax.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr>
Blue K D A CS
Score Card
<tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/zyra-101" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'101' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/zyra.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/katarina-36" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'36' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/katarina.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/fizz-87" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'87' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/fizz.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/rengar-103" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'103' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/rengar.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr> <tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> ? </td> <td class="hiliteW"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/khazix-105" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'105' }"> <img src="/images/champion/icon-small/khazix.png" /> </a> </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> ? </td> </tr>
Purple K D A CS