Hi. I am John and I play the name Crysis in the EUNE server. I am level 30, I have been playing since release Talon mostly to have fun. In late Season 3, I decided to start play ranked games exclusively, and went from Bronze III to Bronze I. With the Season IV reset I was placed again in Bronze I and moved a weak later to Silver V. I am a top lane mainer but can't play pretty much anything if my team needs so. I prefer late game champions and tanks but I can play some early/mid game monsters quite well too.

I don't play that much as I prepare for my final school exams next year and I pursuit an entrance at the electrical engineering school of NTUA.

I joined the site, because I like theory crafting and I think that I can help by sharing my ideas, as well as learning from those who are better than me. My first guide will be definitely for Jax, I've mained this guy since level 5, and I enjoy playing him very much in the top lane.

So I am really happy for joining and I plan on doing as much as I can to improve this place :)

P.S. Forgive my English, I am Greek, I do have a University of Michigan certificate but I still do mistakes :P