So in my recent travels through solo queue I've encountered a number of those who, I've felt, need an explanation of why the jungler isn't helping them. I know you see this kind of thing all the time, but please humor me on my little rant here.
So why am I letting you lose?
Well to be honest typically if I'm not helping you win lane by holding your hand like the child you probably are it means that I have other things to worry about. First and foremost is: I have myself to worry about. I've found out pretty quickly that it's extremely easy to get behind in the new jungle, a few poorly timed ganks that do nothing but waste my time, and a few trips back to the shop after nearly dying to the damned birds for the 50th time in a row and I'm 4 levels behind their jungler. Why? Because I forgot I had to be selfish here. Now I literally can't gank your lane because I'll probably get one shot if I try, and I'm just about to flip out because of the constant barrage of pings I'm getting while taking wolves. It's solo queue, you're not going to completely solo carry this game if I just camp top the entire game (unless you're a pretty good Riven, in which case yeah I'll let myself get behind so you can carry me).
The second reason why I'm letting you lose: Objectives.
As I mentioned before the new season has brought a lot of changes to the jungle, one of which is an extremely strong focus on dragon and the respective buffs it can give to the team that takes it. Which is why I'll sometimes feel the need to play a champion like Nunu. That way I can keep an extremely tight focus on dragon and ensure that everyone on our team gets the 5th dragon buff before 30 minutes. Now think about it seriously, if I'm getting you a buff that lets you do bonus damage to minions and towers, with free bonus damage and movespeed AND an extremely overpowered buff that triples all those bonuses while giving you true damage, then why are you whining to me about never helping you? I'm not your mother, I'm not going to hold your hand throughout the game and spoon feed you kills off your laner, but I am taking dragon and giving you the advantage so learn to live without the hand holding.
The third and final reason I'm letting you lose: I hate you.
You might've just read that and thought, "WOAH, WHAT?!" so I'll give you a second to read over that again. Now, lets think about this, why do I hate you? Lets start with the entitlement complex you've got going, you think you're the most important person on our team, you're pulling me away from helping other people who I feel have a better chance of carrying this game, you're asking me to deny myself experience and gold for a gank that probably won't work, and you have little care for objectives which is pretty much my entire job, that's kind of why I take smite instead of something like teleport. Play every matchup, and pick every matchup like you're not going to get a gank, and the enemy jungler is going to camp you. Which is another thing, if you're whining to me about not getting a gank and constantly getting camped by the enemy jungler then there's a really simple solution to that: buy a damn ward. Sometimes I'm nice and I'll play a champion that I can buy sightstone on like Nunu or Lee Sin and I'll ward your lane for you, but for the most part you should be keeping your lane warded constantly, you have a trinket, use it.
Anyway I feel like I've covered most of what I wanted to discuss, just always remember, your jungler isn't there to be your personal babysitter, and pissing them off with 40 pings every couple seconds isn't exactly the best way to get their attention.