I'm not gonna lie, this guy is my favourite champ to have recently been released. His sustain is crazy if you build him right, his damage can be put three ways (Depending on how bronze you are that is) And he's not teemo.

Looking in from my point of view, I may not have people agreeing with me on this. However I believe that yasuo, much like lucian, is a well thought out and balanced champ. Now I am prepared for the comments from other summoners such as "but the crit doubling doe" or the summoners who prefer to... capitalize their 'opinions': "BALANCED?! I BET YOU CALL YOURSELF THE PELICAN BECAUSE YOUVE GOT THE ****ING BRAIN OF ONE! HE IS OP LIKE EVERY NEW CHAMP RELEASED AND NEEDS NERFING, <3 TEEMO4EVER BUFF IRELIA #HEIMERMECHANICS" The reason for this is because of two things, the first being one word: PANTHEON. The second is that like any balanced and normal champ, you can shut him down early enough to make sure the only time for him to do damage is the 5 seconds before you kill him, or so that he's just no threat at all. Yasuo is squishy as stated by the summoner showcase, without him being squishy he would be a malphite-ish xin zhao crossover with the build of master yi.

Playing styles and roles? Yasuo's strongest in my opinion as a jungler. His ganks can be extremely strong with the assistance of his ult, jungling has him has some down sides though: His ganks may not be extremely effective until level 6, to do this you have to be fast with your Q's third charge being relieved, and all ganks must be fast paced or else a possibility of a counter-gank may ruin your team mate's lane. As I found out in PBE, and as many people have contemplated, yasuo is a decent support. A knockup with on-hit effects? Like a blitzcrank's E but ranged, plus the wind shield which is overpowered against ults like caitlyn and jinx who have in the past been a problem for many people (until now). I can see how this would be argued against though: His damage is way too high and it would be way too easy to steal farm and kills, after his nerf his main aspects which make him even a quarter of a way to qualifying for a small support role may be diminished.