Jungle Starts

-Blue Side-

I prefer to start Red Buff as that thing hurts without armor, so the leash helps you mow through it quicker and Smiting it returns quite a bit of health.

Level Q, Barrel Roll, and lob a barrel into the the area where the Red Brambleback will spawn at 1:51. This will give it time to ferment and explode for maximum damage at 1:55. Tell your laners to back off after two autoattacks so they can make it to lane in time for the minion waves to meet in the middle of their lane (if they don't take off on their own).

If you are concerned about an invade then kite the Red Brambleback into the bush so neither you nor it are readily visible to invading champions. Smite it when it reaches 390 Health to secure Crest of Cinders and 20% of your maximum health back. If any of the Cinderlings are left, punch them until they are low enough to die from the true damage over time (DOT) from Crest of Cinders or roll a barrel in and pop it to finish them off so you can get moving.*

*Both methods for dealing with the Cinderlings take a little practice. Once you are comfortable with the amount of damage your abilities and/or the Crest of Cinders does, you can reliably walk away without them resetting to full health. Time is quite often very important for junglers that have reliable early gank pressure such as Gragas so explore all avenues that can speed up your jungle.

Next level W, Drunken Rage, and waddle over to the other side of your jungle. A little before you get there lob a barrel into the Murk Wolf encampment and then take swig from your cask to gain damage reduction and % maximum health damage on your next autoattack via Drunken Rage. Smack the Greater Murk Wolf with your empowered autoattack and then proceed to auto the Greater Murk Wolf until your barrel comes off cool down and then lob another barrel into the encampment and let it ferment. If the Murk wolves only have a little bit of health remaining you can treat them like the Cinderlings and let your Crest empowered autos or a fermenting barrel finish them off.

Trundle on over to Gromp and lob a barrel at it and take swig from your cask. Smite it for the Gift of the Toadstool buff as it will make dealing with the Blue Sentinel encampment faster and you will likely be going back to base soon unless you are healthy enough and there is an obvious gank opportunity that you don't want to pass up.

At this point you should be level three so grab a point in Body Slam. Lob a barrel into the Blue Sentinal encampment, take a swig from your cask, and then Body slam yourself into the encampment and lay an empowered autoattack on the Blue Sentinel.

Look for opportunities to gank or head back to base and purchase your jungle item.

After that I generally follow up by taking the Raptor camp using Smite to gain the Razor Sharp buff, which I then use to clear wards around mid-lane and in my team's jungle, while keeping an eye on the mini-map for good opportunities to gank middle and bottom lane or counter jungle if I know where the other jungler is at or taking the Scuttle Crab to give my team some vision in the river.

**Not A Pro, but here are some Tips**

If don't lob your barrel deep enough into an encampment you can actually Body Slam the occupants of the encampment outside of the area of effect (AoE) of your fermenting barrel. If that happens just back up a bit and they will walk back into the barrel AoE to take full damage when it explodes.

You don't always have to let your cask ferment fully and explode on its own. If the health of your target is low enough go ahead and detonate the barrel to finish it off.

-Red Side-

Start Gromp
Take Blue
Take Wolves
Take Red
Look for opportunities to gank, if you don't see anything obvious and you are healthy enough finish clearing the red side of your jungle. If you aren't health enough head back to base and purchase your jungle item.

Ability Leveling Order


Level 1: Q
Level 2: W
Level 3: E

Invade (this will slow your jungle down so make sure some of your teammates stick around to help you clear the buff you have targeted or if the invade fails start at your own red buff by yourself so you can smite it and get some health back)

Level 1: E (for the gap closer and stun)
Level 2: Q
Level 3: W

For taking camps after you've leveled all three abilities, lob a barrel (Q) into the encampment as you are walking toward it, take a swig from your cask (W), Body slam (E) into the camp to close the gap and use an empowered autoattack on the largest neutral monster in the camp.

Explosive Cask

You will mess this ability up from time to time. Count on it. It often works exactly like you would expect it to, but sometimes it doesn't. I need to try some more experiments, but I think the facing direction and/or the heading (movement direction) of your target at the time they are effected by the explosion plays a roll in where they get displaced to.

(Pet theory of the moment) if you throw it directly behind them and they are headed South East at the time, they will be blown towards the South East, not directly forward like you might expect. It is either that or there is some slight randomization built into the heading algorithm as there is with the landing point for Draven's axes after they rebound.