Butcher's Bridge

Looks really cool, though I miss the Poros. They are a heck of lot cuter than the devil fish things that have replaced them.

Thematically using GP's new voice as the announcer is fine for Butcher's Bridge, but I find it extremely jarring on the Summoner's Rift Map.


Is going to take some getting used to.

So far the most frustrating thing I've found is knowing where to look for how much gold you have.

I also don't like your teammate's champion icons being over the mini-map. The mini-map is so important that there shouldn't be any other information near it.

I've also noticed that I'm used to looking on the left for my items, so it is taking a me a second or two longer to find the icons of the items I currently have in my inventory. Do I have a potion? Uhmmm....oh yes I do in Slot 6.

I think I'll just try to be more religious about putting actives and consumables in specific inventory slots.

What the hell is with the SR Map going a little dark after you get on the rift. It is a subtle thing, but it is like the light just dims a little, like a monitor going into power save lighting mode when you are on battery power.

Sated Devourer

Is stupid, especially when paired with a Blade of the Ruined King. I've literally been winning games and then a stacked Master Yi will come out of the enemy jungle and slaughter my entire team, tanks and all. GG.

You pretty much need to run someone like Nunu & Willump or Shyvana to counterjungle the **** out of an enemy Devourer jungler and even then hope to hell your lanes don't feed them the stacks they need.

I'm all for jungler diversity and the attack speed junglers did need some love, but IMO Rito went a little overboard on this one. Like they do every time they try to give a helping hand to attack speed junglers.

That said, go play some Enchantment: Devourer Xin Zhao for some faceroll freelo.


Miss Fortune

Not impressed with the update.

The damage on the initial bullet from Double Up is anemic. It doesn't start doing respectable damage until you get three levels in it and at least a BF Sword. The bounce damage is pretty good, but you have to have the right situation to even get a bounce and the narrowing of the cone made that scenario less likely to occur.

Make it Rain is still ****.

She still lacks an escape.

Her ratios are still wonky.

If you don't have a tank line, don't play her even if you can stomp your lane opponent with her and you can stomp fewer lanes because Impure Shots no longer applies Grievous Wounds.

Back to the drawing board Riot.

Knock-ups make you invulnerable?

No video footage, but I've had a number of games of late where my team has knocked someone up and while they are in the air skillshots will not connect with them.