Got to play an NA Mobafire in-house this past weekend. First one. Yay groups for making that happen.

A bit of trash talking but overall the vibe was a good one. Appreciate the invite. :-)

Observations of the Silver Player amidst a hoard of Plat+ players. Yikes don't hurt me! Was my first thought.

2nd thought. Eh, I'll do my thing and if they want me to be doing something else, someone will probably tell me.

The more experienced players were doing the following....trying to make more plays. Whether that be in lane or roaming around the map. They were just out front of where I would typically put myself. My understanding is that a lot of them were one tricks/on extremely familiar champions so that may partially be due to how well they understand their champions and how confident they are at making plays on those champions.

The players were mechanically adroit. I saw some clutch stuns, double jumps, and zany usage of shadows.

Advantages were pushed hard when they developed. The out in front part - Once they had a tower they were living closer to the enemy base. (this i think is key)*

*in my experience low level players don't really know when they have an advantage. This is where a lot of the indecision around inner turrets and base turrets comes from. we don't know that we have a window to go punch the other team in the mouth so we don't and that window may end up closing before we get to use it. Or even if they know they have an advantage they don't know how to use it properly.

E.g. Being a jungler one of the classic things that I see happen is I'll have my X laner say that their opponent's Flash is down then they will shove their flashless lane opponent into their turret and keep them there. I literally have to tell people to let their lane opponent shove out so I can gank assuming I don't have a champion that is good at tower diving (when we have a minion wave hitting the tower).

Are you up in combat stats in some way? Level, items
Are you up in summoners or spell cooldowns? You have flash they don't, they just used their ult and you have yours?
How do you use those advantages? Kill them again? Rotate to another lane and apply pressure there?
Do I have more minions than they do?
How quickly will any help arrive? Can I facilitate getting help to me more quickly? Warding? Clearing enemy wards?

I had a game last night where I was doing well and my team seemed to be listening to me. I told them to group and push down the bottom inhibitor because that is the furthest away from Baron. We caught their team rotating in their own jungle to try and catch us. We caught them. We ended up punching down the Mid tower and inhibitor then rotated to Baron. We took Baron and based. Our Trundle went Bot lane to give the Baron buff to the minions crashing into their Bot base tower and the rest of went to Top and were able to take their Top lane tower and inhibitor. So it didn't go exactly to plan, but by having the outline of a plan and acting on it aggressively we were able to get what we wanted.


Make plays, get a lead, push your lead, look at changing tactics if what you are doing isn't working. Your siege sucks? Get wards into their jungle and rotate faster than they can or set up a bait at an objective that they will want to contest. Those wards will let you know they are coming.

If you can't think of anything else to do and need to back, try and get a minion wave pushing before you back and before you try and take a big objective that might be contested. That way if you lose the fight they can't immediately flow into your base on the back on a minion wave that is already encroaching on your territory.