Hi everyone!

Just a short blog post to alert you that I'm back, and to notify everyone of my upcoming projects (?)

First of all, I am still working on a support guide but I'm too lazy atm to keep working on it. I can never find the focus to work on something for an extended period of time because it gets boring, so meanwhile I found myself another project: a Xin Zhao build. I have always been wanting to get into jungling again (I used to play tons of tanky junglers before the jungle changes) and I really like the early aggression you get from playing Xin Zhao.

Also, I'm looking to do something cool for the upcoming EU playoffs and Worlds. Perhaps write an article (I have always been into strategy) and possibly make a comparison in playstyles between EU/NA/Korea.

Anyway, I hope everybody is, just like me, having a great time during the holidays :)