Hi my name is VyxisPrime,

I am Jungler/Support for Mirror Image Gaming.
While Mirror Image Gaming isn't that well known yet I am actually really fond that I am a part of them.
I am not lvl 30 or even ranked yet. But I watch alot of stream where people actually fight how they would do in Diamond 1 or Challenger. (Ofcourse with a joke here and there).
Teaching my self how to fluently last hit if I am needed on Top or ADC for the team.
Because there can always go something wrong with posotions of we have to hussle everything to learn new tactics.
And ofcourse how to use the map and warding.

Teaching my self new Champions isn't always fun. Some are in my eyes slow or not in my expectation
but I can live with the 4 mains I can have for my support lane(Being: Kayle,Sona,Nami & Tresh)
For jungling I know 3 to 4 champs aswell. (Being: Udyr,Lee Sin, Rengar & Warwick) Being better with Lee Sin and Rengar than udyr and Warwick is Quite normal for me. Udyr aint my way of fighting with no finishing ability in my defence I have no clue how to fight with him(LOL).

Last night i had a pretty cool run with the guys as support we did an awesome job.

Thanks for reading