Hooray managed to get back into Gold after being placed in Silver 1!

Man, maybe I just suck at Mid now, but I think jungling makes winning so much easier. 10 out of my last 15 games were jungling and 3 were Morgana support (easy to play and effective in any comp) and I've pretty much won all of them. It's basically queue up, pick Vi if she's open, pick Jarvan if she's not, pick Morg support if I can't jungle, then win game. I'm getting scores in ranked that I haven't gotten in a long, long time (5 KDA on Vi, 4 on J4). Hopefully this crazy win streak will continue to roll until I get Plat! The dream... First things first though, time to at least get the rank I was last season (Gold 2).

And yeah, I rarely play Mid anymore in ranked. I have slowly come to the realization that Mid in general/Ahri is hard to play efficiently and against skilled opponents, reaaallly hard to play. It's a lot of pressure and I really can't trust myself anymore in Mid. I wonder how I should break that news to my ranked team...
Mid & Ahri will be missed, but I believe my home is now in the jungle.

Oh, and my division name isn't completely terrible either ^__^ /Kayle's Heralds