Hi there !

Well, at least I can say that I'm regular, because I post like 1 time a year :D

Sorry for the very few news around here, I've got a ton of work and couldn't do much during my personnal time ; I preferred to play few instead of playing really few & posting really few.

Still, I've recently managed to get a blog in place, and a youtube channel support.
I would really appreciate if you guys could give a look on it and tell me how you feel about it.
Here's the link : http://youpiwaza.com/yhst-youpiwaza-hallucinate-secret-technique/

For now I'll be mostly talking about Shaco & jungling in general (still haven't changed yet, got several years of jungling now :p)

Mobafire is one of the greatest community I've ever seen, and I'd like to be a part of it and share my knowledge.
I'll try to publish a little in here too, mainly about my current Shaco builds as I still fancy the mobafire look ;).

Cheers guys.