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Soraka Build Guide by Fryla

Support S7 | Soraka Support - The Starchild conquers [7.5]

Support S7 | Soraka Support - The Starchild conquers [7.5]

Updated on March 16, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fryla Build Guide By Fryla 13 3 301,216 Views 15 Comments
13 3 301,216 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fryla Soraka Build Guide By Fryla Updated on March 16, 2017
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Hi hi. This is a Soraka Support Guide which gives another twist on how to play our lovely little Starchild.

This guide offers moderate explanations to the choices made but is by no means an in-dept guide to Soraka. If you are a first time Soraka player or new to the support role I'd recommend reading up on the basics first before starting a game.

I've been drawn to the support role since I started playing this game and I've tried to main quite a few, but none have given me such satisfaction and success as Soraka. There is a certain kind of glee in undoing all the damage that the enemy team did to your ADC, or saving them last minute when they get bursted down to low health.

I tried to squeeze in as much AP on Soraka while still keeping her a viable support and I have found that this is the perfect balance between AP and utility which gives you amazing healing power with enough sustain to stay useful thoughout the entire game.


I know Soraka is not normally your go-to support but let me explain you why she is a great and viable pick.

~ Soraka is a 450 IP champion that is not difficult to play or master.
~ She might be squishy, but she has a lot of sustain and crowd control!
~ Her ultimate ability is a global team heal. What is not to like about that?!
~ Since she is not very popular you don't have to worry about her getting banned or picked by the enemy team.

She basically has everything you need from a support: healing, slowing, silence + root. Just place loads of wards and time your heals correctly and your team will love you!


x3 x9 x6 x3 x6 x3

  • Soraka is a champion that heavily relies on Health Regeneration, mainly because of her W, Astral Infusion. However, getting more than these 3 Health Regen Quitessences will not be necessary, as you will mainly buy items that have health regeneration.
  • I've chosen for Scaling Ability Power marks and therefore sacrificed some early-game poke damage for more damage (and healing!) later in the laning phase.
    Getting flat AP marks will give you a total of 5.31 (0.59*9) Ability Power, while getting the scaling AP marks give you a 0.1 Ability Power per level. So by level 6 you already outscale the flat marks (0.1*9)*6=5.4
  • By taking 6 flat Armor seals and 3 Scaling Armor seals you will increase your survivability in the laning phase early game, while also gaining that extra bit of armor as the game progresses.
  • Getting 6 Scaling Cooldown Reduction glyphs will end up giving you 10% CDR at level 18 and reduce the need to buy another CDR item. Therefore they are essential in this build.


5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1

5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1

The 18 points towards the Cunning tree are pretty self-explanatory. You'll want movement speed, mana regen and cooldown reduction over increased damage.
The Windspeaker's Blessing keystone is essential for its 10% extra healing/shielding power.

The remaining 12 points are put in the Resolve tree.
  • You will want to take Recovery over Unyielding as Soraka mainly relies on her health regen.
  • I always take Explorer rather than Tough Skin or Siegemaster on my supports since the extra movement speed in Brush and River will come in handy in Baron or Dragon fights. It allows you to reposition yourself faster so you can stay safe while still helping out your team. Also useful for switching in between lanes.
  • Runic Armor works well with your ultimate, Wish, while Veteran's Scars works negatively in combination with your Astral Infusion.
  • Now, the choice of Insight over Perseverance and Fearless is one that needs an explanation. At first glance Perseverance seems like the better option out of the three, because it offers increased health regen. But Soraka's level 1 base health regen is actually the lowest in the whole game and with the items you build you gain enough health regen to make up for that 50% (200% when below 25% HP) Perseverance offers.
    The 15% cooldown on your summoner spells that Insight gives you will certainly be more useful. Flash has a cooldown of 300s > 255s and Exhaust has a cooldown of 210s > 178.5s.


  • Always get Starcall first to keep yourself alive and then get Astral Infusion to keep your ADC alive.
  • Putting two points in both Q and W before hitting level 6 will ensure max survivability and poke, while having that single point on your E will give you that extra control of your lane and eventual ganks from both the enemy jungler and your own.
  • You will want to max out Starcall first to increase your own health regen so that you can keep healing your ADC as much as needed.
  • I personally prefer putting another point towards Equinox before maxing out Astral Infusion, since the cooldown on Equinox is quite long. However this depends on the current situation in the game. If the enemy continually does a LOT of damage to your ADC you might want to put a point towards Astral Infusion at level 9 or 10. With the cooldown reduction from the items you build it is okay to leave Equinox at level 1 until you maxed out your Q and W.


Starting items

With your Q, Starcall you won't need any potions at start. Instead get Faerie Charm for some extra Mana Regen so you can keep spamming that Q if necessary.

First back

ALWAYS get Sightstone first. Providing vision for your team is essential in developing a strategy and to avoid getting caught by ganks from the enemy jungler. The boots will give you some much needed movement speed.

Upgrade + Mana

eye of the oasis

Your Mobility Boots will be a great use for you to dodge attacks, run away from the enemy and move towards your teammates.
eye of the oasis for warding, so change your trinket to Sweeping Lens at level 9.
Forbidden Idol builds into Mikael's Blessing and Redemption later.

Mikael's Crucible + Redemption

Getting Mikael's Blessing and Redemption as your third and fourth item has many benefits.

~ 40 Magic Resistance and 300 Health.
~ A total of 40% bonus healing power ( Windspeaker's Blessing , Mikael's Blessing, Redemption).
~ Both these items offer 10% cooldown reduction, which in combination with eye of the oasis, your scaling CDR glyphs and Intelligence will bring you to the CDR max of 45%.
~ Mikael's Blessing's Passive: gives you the same % base health regen for the amount of % mana regen you have. Eye + Mikael's + Redemption gives you 375% base mana regen. Plus the 175% health regen you already got from Eye + Redemption will give you a total of 550% base health regen.
~ Mikael's Blessing's Active: Instantly removes all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences and slows on an allied champion, as well as granting 2 seconds of slow immunity. Successfully cleansing an effect will also grant the target 40% movement speed for 2 seconds (120 second cooldown).
~ Redemption's Active: Target an area within 5500 range. After 2.5 second, call down a beam of light to heal allies for 65-490 (based on target's level) and deal 10% of maximum health true damage to enemy champions and 250 true damage to minions (120 second cooldown). Can be used while dead.

As you can see these two items combined give you a huge boost in healing and health regen, while they also offer great utility.


Rabadon's Deathcap will be your main Ability Power item. Since you don't build any other items with AP (in this build), you really need the 120 Ability Power Rabadon's gives you.
I'd definitely recommend getting this item 5th and not last.
My main reasoning for this is that you simply need the AP at this stage of the game. You need the extra AP to increase the power of your Astral Infusion and Wish.
Also, if you do wait and build Rabadon's Deathcap as your last item (and first get your defensive item) you will have to save up a total of 2550 gold to finish it, since you do not have any slots left to break it into smaller purchases.

Defensive options

As I already said in the notes, whatever you pick for your last defensive item is completely up to your preference and the situation. All the items listed under Defensive Options are (in my opinion) viable picks; it's only a matter of when to pick what item.

You already have 45% CDR and 550% base health regen at this point, so why put down items that have those?

Spirit Visage is a good choice for some extra Magic Resistance and survivability.
It offers 500 health, 200% base health regen and its passive: Increases all healing, regeneration and drain effects on yourself by 25%.

Now let's look at that passive since it can be confusing. A better description is found on the wiki page of Spirit Visage. Keep in mind that these effects only apply on the person who bought Spirit Visage.
UNIQUE Passive: Increases effectiveness of all sources of health restoration by 25% (including health regeneration, life steal and spell vamp).
Let's calculate our health regen. 550%+200%=750% health regen PLUS 25% gives us a grand total of 937.5% health regen.

Now let us take a look at another part of the wiki:
Spirit Visage's passive stacks multiplicatively with other sources of increased healing such as Redemption by 43.75% only direct healings*, Mikael's Blessing by 50% only in direct healings* and Windspeaker's Blessing by 37.5% only in direct healings*.
-- * Direct healings are considered every form to recover your champ health apart from health regen.

So what they say here is that the bonus healing from these items stack multiplicatively with Spirit Visage. This means that any healing you receive ( Heal, Wish & Honeyfruit) will be immensely increased.

TL;DR Spirit Visage is a great item to keep yourself alive and spamming heals since you got insane health regen but it does little for teamfights since running around casting Astral Infusion on everyone isn't the best way to go.

Locket of the Iron Solari is a good balanced option that offers both 30 armor and 60 magic resistance. Since Soraka's base armor scales along with her levels (from 23 at level 1 to 88 at level 18) while her base magic resist stays at 30, she will in most cases need the high magic resistance of Locket of the Iron Solari.

Locket of the Iron Solari's UNIQUE Active: Shield yourself and nearby allied champions for 2 seconds, absorbing up to 35 (+35 per level) damage. Active's shield amount is calculated using the recipient champion's level if the recipient is a higher level than the item owner. 90 second cooldown (600 range).

This active is what makes Locket such an interesting item to get. Its shield is immensely useful in teamfights. The downside is the quite short range. You need to stand practically in the middle of your team if you want to apply the shield to everyone.

Zz'Rot Portal is another good balanced option that offers both 55 armor and magic resistance plus 125% base health regen. This gives you a total of 675% base health regen.

Zz'Rot Portal's UNIQUE Passive: Point Runner: Builds up to 20% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets, destroyed turrets or Void Gates, the movement speed build up decays upon leaving the area.

Since you're already using Mobility Boots this passive is nice, but not needed.

Zz'Rot Portal's UNIQUE Active: Spawns a Void Gate at target location for 120 seconds. Every 4 seconds the gate makes a Voidspawn that travels down the nearest lane. Voidspawn explode when attacking structures. Voidspawn ignore champions and void targets (120 second cooldown.)

This active is a great utility that you can use to put pressure on lanes in the late game stage (which it will be since this is your last item) and to make the enemy team spread out their resources to either kill the void gate or keep the lane pushed back. It can be used both defensively and offensively although I personally prefer using it in games that can still go either way. Putting it in an offensive position in an undecided game can increase your winning chances.


~ You need to hit an enemy champion with your Q, Starcall, for the regeneration effect so try to predict the movement of your enemy. Do not cast it directly on them. Remember: the further away you cast Starcall, the longer it takes to land!
~ When trying to land a Starcall make sure you never over-extend and find yourself out of position. It's better to not get the regeneration effect than ending up dead.
~ Try to always stay within range of your ADC (and preferably behind) so you can cast Astral Infusion whenever necessary.
~ After hitting level 6, always monitor the health of your teammates and check on their fights if you can. Solo ulting a champion is not advisable, unless it could lead to a kill or favourable situation for your team.
~ During teamfights, try to determine who is the main damage dealer and focus on keeping them alive.
~ If a champion on your team has a root or stun, try using your E, Equinox on the rooted/stunned target to keep them stuck even longer.
~ The silence of Equinox will stop a lot of ultimates. So if you are in range, cast it on the enemy.

And most importantly:
~ Communication is the key to success; use pings whenever necessary (but DO NOT spam them, unless you're getting ganked). Ping your mana when it's low. Ping the duration of your Wish cooldown. Tell your ADC when you're going to recall.
Make sure your team knows what they can expect from you, so they can plan their moves with knowledge and care.


Well, all in all, this is just a simple guide by a low-elo player, but I hope you found it at least a bit useful! Don't hesitate to ask me any questions and if you have any tips or improvements, feel free to let me know!
As I go along in my path to Mastery with Soraka I will (try to) update this guide regularly and keep it up to date for all coming patches.

I hope you enjoy playing our favourite Starchild and I thank you for taking the time to read this guide! ^-^
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Fryla Soraka Guide
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