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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What is the current meta ?

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  • DrGunshot

    What is the current meta ?

    I was a GOLD 3 player in season 4 but since I restarted ranked games I have fallen to Bronze 3, I play all the roles so the lane isn't the problem. I think it is my champions because I am still playing champions that where really strong in season 4 (can they still carry a game ?) and I keep loosing games because one of my teammate does AFK or fed is lane oppponent, doesn't group when needed (even if I ask them nicely) and they also lack control of objectives because sometimes I can be alone trying to do Dragon or push some turrets.
    how can I climb back ? Please help

    Ps : maybe it is also my fault sometimes but often-time my teammates doesn't play in team.
  • Answers (6)

    MrMad2000 (41) | April 22, 2015 10:57am
    At the moment, champions that have lots of utility and tank-stats that can lockdown with the ability to outplay are incredibly strong.

    The current meta is what is called the Tank Cinderhulk Meta. With the new Smite enchants, junglers have become more potent than ever. Stalker's Blade - Warrior or Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk are the two most popular combinations and for great reason. Most of the champions that are being played at the moment have good dueling power as well as great crowd control. You can "carry" a game better as a jungler but it is still possible as any role.

    Champs in Season 4 who were considered strong are still probably "strong" but this meta is trying to find champions that haven't been in the spotlight and bringing them out and trying to utilize their strengths so you can "outshine" these meta picks.

    To climb, I think you just need to practice who you are BEST at. You can STILL win games where people go AFK. It might be beneficial to watch high elo streams and educational League tips in video form which you find on youtube. For example, Jeremy GamingCurious & PhyLoL make videos which explain the meta and how to climb.

    There is a lot of emphasis on farming early and then trying to get as much late laning objective control as possible. Splitpushing is becoming a more-used method since all of the champions that can duel well are being played right now.

    All in all, don't be a sheep, but recognize the meta and try and counter it or have it so it influences what you do in game. E.g: If there is an assassin meta, pick supports that you feel comfortable on that can peel well like Janna rather than Braum for example.

    Hope that makes sense and helps. :)
    Zelnick | March 28, 2016 7:48pm
    It's an old thread but it doesn't seem like anyone really understands after everything you discussed. There is no single meta, you can't just boil down 100+ characters and an infinite number of strategies like that. In reality, you can play any champion in any lane you want, it's only that the standard composition of tank-fighter-adc-apc-support succeeds most often. But, you can just as easily have a team build around assassins or all tanks if it's convenient. Ultimately, the goal of a team is to excel in a particular stratedgy that will allow them to destroy the nexus thing while avoiding falling to its weaknesses, so there are many different compositions depending on what you want to accomplish and your win condition, such as comps for AOE and team fights, early game compositions for getting hyper-carries ahead to seize early objectives, split pushing with champions who have exceptional wave clear and escapes and so on to rotate towers effectively and apply map pressure, ect. Each of these compositions has a specific pool of champions they do well with and so the current meta is really any champion that allows a particular type of team to greatly succeed in what it is they are suppose to accomplish.

    Lux is good for team fights and aoe, she's current meta, sivir is really good for waveclear and also team fights, she's current meta, zed and leblanc are good for assassinating carries so other team mates can safely attack the front line, they're current meta and so on.

    If a champion gets nerfed or buffed, it may make them less or more effective at carrying out the task they are best at which is why the meta changes. So again, the goal of every single team is not necessarily "group mid target carries right away win," different compositions have different strategies. If you want to know the current meta you have to look at recent patches and win rates of different champions.

    Also whoever downgraded me better ****ing be above plat 2 cause that's what I was by the start of S6 and this is basic stuff.
    Hopesedge (8) | April 24, 2015 4:14am
    In the Top lane champions like Riven & Renekton are always relevant, additionally you will notice that often times a ranged carry like Quinn will be picked, this is because it counters the two primary players that I just listed. Some popular champions are Maokai, Sion & Gragas. Top laners are either incredibly disruptive and/or very tanky, this gives them high pressure and allows then to force fights.

    In the Middle lane assassins are very popular like Zed & Ahri, you will also find that there are many high scaling ability power champions like Anivia and Malzahar making appearances, these types of champions won't one shot someone but will instead cause huge disruption on top of incredible damage to the enemy team.

    In the Jungle there are the common favourites like Lee Sin & Jarvan IV that will decimate most lanes with their high burst and potential team fight assistance through their ultimate usage. Occasionally you will find champions like Rammus & Vi just because of their CC and gap-closers.

    In the Bot lane the popular picks for ADC's are Graves, Caitlyn, Jinx & Vayne. These ADC's do immense damage and can destroy towers in no time, but these adc's are only being picked because of the supports that are currently being used. The popular Supports are Leona, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Morgana & Annie. These all have incredible crowd control and make then highly dangerous if they catch you would with their ADC ready.

    Some additional popular champions that currently roam about but in no specific lane are Nidalee, Lissandra, Nautilus & Shaco.

    As for actually playing I suggest you refer to MrMad2000's answer.
    nuit7noire | April 30, 2015 5:40am
    If you're in the market for a slightly more semantic answer to your question, the meta can be summed up in the following way:

    Anti-ADC is the meta. Always. In essence, whichever particular skill(s)/attribute(s) and itemization route shuts down an ADC's killing spree most efficiently.

    The (reccomended/preferred) champion pools for each lane and role evolve as League is continually balanced, with one exception: Each team will typically have an ADC (Which ADC is best at countering the enemy team's ADC-Counter is what's subject to change)

    My advice to you regarding climbing back would be to take an in-depth look at each AD Carry (Their detailed ability descriptions, lane match-ups, and specific roles [unique utility they bring to the team]. Understanding the current pool of 'Top Tiered' AD Carries and why they're there is a key component to climbing through the ranked system; From there you can recognize why the dynamics of each lane shift, and make educated picks or counter-picks.


    Whether it's a tanky champions, poke-based champions, bursty champions, or others,; the best meta of all is having a well balanced team composition built off educated counter-picks, that is synergistic in-game.

    (Or... Best Meta = Team Work)
    SounDzLOL | April 27, 2015 4:58am
    Definetly double tank (top and Jungle) cause u have a bigger frontline to protect ur backline (adc, mid and maybe supp) :)
    Blian (16) | April 25, 2015 3:13am
    worst meta ever if you ask me. normally that team wins who can survive until late game with 2-3 tanks in their team so their frontline can soak up all the dmg.

    i want back the assassin meta so badly.
    nuit7noire | April 30, 2015 4:54am
    If the enemy team has 2 to 3 tanks on their team, it give your team an advantage; You can counter-pick and itemize based on what your enemy is lacking. 2 to 3 tanks could mean they lack heavy burst, sustained damage, or possibly are favoring health over mobility. Ultimately, It's not your job to duke it out with tanks. You want to rely on the Sustained Damage of autos from your AD Carry and Burst from your AP Carry (With with proper Itemization they should be able to easily burn down the tanks) to give you (The Assassin) an opening.

    As far as the Assassin meta being better?
    It's a team game. And a (More often than not) balanced one too. Some champs you can burst down, others you can't.
    Besides.... Do you really want to bring back League of Assassins' 7 second team fights? I don't.
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