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League of Legends (LoL) Question: New Champion


  • Foxaboo

    New Champion

    I am not new, but not very experienced at this game, and I would like to use a different champion, to refresh the excitement of it a bit. I currently usually play Lux support, and am looking for a Bottom Lane/Support/Top Lane to use. I am honestly not bothered about the quality of the character, so it is just whatever you would recommend. No ADC/Jungle/Middle Lane characters though, I do not play these roles very well at all.
  • Answers (2)

    LoLCable (5) | July 22, 2016 6:12am
    Hey Foxabooo, my recommendations for Bot Lane ADC would be.. Lucian if you want a champ that requires some skill and thought behind how you use his abilities and sync them up. Caitlyn if you like to stay far away from the fight but still do serious damage. Miss Fortune if you want a good wombo combo ultimate ability. Out of the 3, Lucian is by far my favorite.
    For Top Lane, if you want an AD all in type or even AP to be able to jump in, kill someone and get out, I would say Kennen, Wukong, Fiora, Jax, Yasuo, Tryndamere and Ryze. If you are looking for easier champs that you can learn quickly and be fairly decent from the get go with. Go with, Xin Zhao, Garen, Darius, Pantheon, or Dr. Mundo . They can be bruiser, or full tank. Top Lane is best essential to the team as a provider of CC and Tankiness. To be that front line and initiate fights. Maokai, Gnar, Chogath, tank Ekko, or Malphite all can be effective. Just depends on your play style.
    For Support, this is the lane I play the least. But in Ranked or draft if I get put in it, I usually go whoever my ADC would like me to go. If the team needs a tank, Leona, Alistar, Braum, Nautilus, Thresh, are just a couple of options. The most fun ones to play are the champs with hooks, stuns or snares I believe. Because you can pick a lot of people off with that, and look like a god to your team. Blitzcrank, Thresh, Morgana, Lux, Nautilus, Leona, Alistar, and Zyra for just a few options. Just play passive with your adc, and protect them and the whole team would be happy then.
    LoLCable (5) | July 25, 2016 5:59am
    Definitely Foxaboo, hope you find some you are looking for. If you have any more questions feel free to add me or just comment any more.
    Foxaboo | July 22, 2016 12:13pm
    Thank you so much! I was expecting one or two character suggestions but this is awesome! I will definitely be trying as many of these characters as I can!
    Tsunami10 (1) | September 22, 2016 9:23am
    Here are some sugestions for all lanes :
    Top : Garen, for tank options, Tryndamere , for balanced, or Wukong, for agressive plays.
    Mid : Kayle ( DOn't worry about buying her, Riot gaveaway her some days ago ).
    Jungle : Master Yi, Warwick.
    ADC : Ashe, Tristana, Lucian.
    Support : Sona ( I play with her, if you want some tips message me ), Soraka.

    These are some sugestions for new players. I hope I helped.
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