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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Climbing out of bronze?

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    Climbing out of bronze?

    How do you suggest I climb out of bronze? Now don't say Git Gud or something, I know where my skill stands. Most games which I lose, there's always one feeder on the team, like a feeding annie causing the enemies veigar to be so fed he just rapes everyone or a feeding vayne cause the enemy lucian to be fed as hell.

    Now, I'm not gonna point finger and says it's said feeding person's fault, I'm more interested in knowing how to deal with these characters when they're extremely fed and should I change my roles? I normally stick with support and jungle.

    Also, say middle is dying like crazy and top and bot are static on both sides, should you gank middle? Or focus your attention on bot and top? Also, should you roam as a support to middle once in a while if your ADC is a safe type like Ezreal and Cait?
  • Answers (9)

    Rastamann18 | October 17, 2016 9:18pm
    Best way to get out of there is:
    1 play at nights, later hour-less chance to get idiots in Your Team.
    2 Always try to play with someone who knows wtf is he doing on mid, or top or watewa... more premades in team the better :)
    3 comunication with teammates is Verry important. even pings are ****ing op if u know when and where to use it.
    4 and last one ;) i realize that 3 tanky champs in team usualy lead to win :)

    hope i did help :)
    granzteel | November 24, 2016 8:49am
    When playing support:
    - Learn self-control. Once you know how to (man)handle your demons first, you will be able to handle other's. I've played Leona on my road to Gold to know the difference between a poor support and a good one, both skill-wise and attitude wise.

    When playing jungle:
    - Learn to communicate map awareness. Yes, you do not have a lane. But learning to predict where the next big gank would happen AND telling them where it would happen is a matter of win or lose. Bronze people tend to do thins in a straightforwardly manner, so this won't be a problem

    - Accept your misplays.Being wrong is fine and be a man to accept their prejudice about you. Not listening to them (/mute) may not hurt your feelings, but will definitely put a frown on your face everytime you lose because you did the same mistake.

    - Play your role objectively. There will be people that will provoke you on killing them. While it feels good to wipe their champions off the map as you take away the smile on their faces, be sure to take your objectives seriously.

    With this noble attitude you will be able to win the game and dominate Enemy champions at the same time. Learn your priorities. I mean it.
    Sulphurius | October 26, 2016 4:43am
    My personal opinion is to your question is to play tanks. It is bronze, so tanks win more often than squishy champs...Just look at a bronze ADC: can't even kite. I recommend Malphite, and especially Nasus because people at that ELO will not punish you. An average player like you learn the mechanics faster and can read your game faster so you can DFNTLY make an advantage. I hope I helped. :3
    JackOLantern | October 24, 2016 2:08am <
    This video will save your life if you want to climb out of Bronze
    ninjaking129 | October 22, 2016 11:18pm
    well in my experience jungle is the best way to get out of bronze if u don't like jungle try top lane and play tanky champions
    it worked for me.
    Sonic6887 | October 19, 2016 5:37am
    Play a hyper carry. Jinx, Yasuo, and Riven are one of the best to carry your games if you know how to use them. I'm a Yasuo main and climbed Platinum using Jinx and Yasuo.
    GameRiderTom | October 18, 2016 4:21am
    Play to improve, not to climb.

    /Mute all at the start of every match

    One trick pony a champion up until Plat
    If you just can't bring yourself to OTP create a smart champion pool (3 champ lineup for 2 roles)

    You want to be a support main? I'm sorry but don't. Choose a carry role and start support in higher elo. Never support. Always carry.

    Pick champions with built-in escapes like Ezreal
    mjskid (12) | October 20, 2016 10:14am
    why do you say otp up to plat? can you not otp to higher?
    sR Dawn | October 15, 2016 9:11am
    Take Miss Fortune, and enjoy freelo. Also play many games. Well, i'm a support main in high Plat, and queued with a Miss Fortune player. we went on a 9/0 winstreak. Everybody underestimates her R and nobody actually understands how to play against the Q-Bounce Mechanic. Just enjoy freelo :)
    VTGare | October 15, 2016 1:53am
    same bro. just take ADC and play like a boss
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