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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Lane Roles

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  • KaeldorAmmon

    Lane Roles

    Hello, everyone. I am a new player just getting ready to move into team play (I am using tutorial games to level at the moment, so as to have all my SS unlocked prior to my first coop/ai and PVP games), and I was wondering if anyone could point me to a good guide as far as what the role of people assigned to each lane are? For example, in my tut games I have traditionally played Garen in mid, but I read in the various build guides for him that Garen is traditionally played at top. Why? What makes a given hero better suited to top or mid or bot? Thanks a lot in advance for any help with this subject! Hope to see you all in-game someday! :)
  • Answers (3)

    Ekki (86) | December 28, 2016 2:26pm
    Since there are only 3 lanes and 5 people, there's a need to divide champions amongst them. The most important thing about laning phase is getting gold and experience (mostly via minions). The current "meta" -in the loose sense of the word- is 1 top, 1 mid, 1 jungle and 2 bot (1 adc that farms + 1 support that only helps the adc stay safe).

    - There is one jungler farming neutral minions because there is more or less enough gold/exp for one champion in the jungle. That role is free to gank the lanes from time to time in order to help or get kills. They are mostly tanks or off-tanks with some slows/stuns to gank lanes and enable kills, but some other roles can play there too.

    - Mid is almost always a solo lane with immobile mages because it's the shorter one, so they can retreat to the tower more easily. There are also some assassins playing there, mostly because it's the only lane where they can kill somebody, since tanks often go jungle or top.

    - Top and bot are longer than mid, so champions playing there are at most risk of ganks and have more problems retreating to a tower if they start losing a fight. The adc+support lane consists of one ranged champion reliant on autoattacks (filter marksman in any champion list) with awful early game getting support from... well, the support. The support is often a mage with shields/heals/slows/stuns or a tank with lots of slows/stuns. Those two go bot because the dragon seems to be the most important early objective, but it sticked because people followed the meta blindly for quite some years. It's wise to follow it to begin with though.

    - Lastly, top ends up being a solo lane (by all that I said above), and the top laners need to be aggresive fighters or champions with good mobility to survive in there. Tanks/Offtanks with high damage and little to none slows/stuns (like Garen) tend to play only top because they can't be very efficient anywhere else.

    For specific cases you should ask champion by champion until you get a feel of what plays on each lane and you might understand why it works. Lastly, it's often desirable to have an all around team (at least one adc, one mage and one tank; and a balance between magical and physical damage), but that's something you should only worry after understanding the basics thoroughly.
    KaeldorAmmon (1) | December 28, 2016 7:58pm
    Wow, thank you, Ekki. That pretty much covers the theory for me, and between what you and PsiGuard have said, I think I have a much better idea of how laning works. I really appreciate both of you taking time out to help instruct me. :)
    PsiGuard (1495) | December 28, 2016 12:27am
    I recommend searching any champion you're unsure about on and seeing which roles are listed for them. I don't know of any comprehensive resource that goes through every champion, but that's an easy way to find out individually.
    KaeldorAmmon (1) | December 28, 2016 7:58pm
    Thanks again, PsiGuard! That helps somewhat to fill in the blanks. :)
    PsiGuard (1495) | December 28, 2016 5:02pm
    There's a ton of champions in this game and a lot of them have specific reasons for being in the particular role they're in. Your best bet is probably to talk to an experienced player. Like I said, I don't know of any comprehensive role guides, sorry. :(

    Pretty hard to write those because sometimes champions change roles based on patch changes. For example, Graves used to be an AD carry who went bottom lane, but after Riot changed some of his abilities, he was played as a jungler instead.
    KaeldorAmmon (1) | December 28, 2016 3:12am
    Thanks a lot, Psiguard. I am a bit more interested in the theory behind these decisions at the moment than just hard categorization, but this gives me a nice starting point to work from.
    simomlg | January 4, 2017 3:26am
    There are 5 roles in the game:
    -AD Carry;

    -The top laner have the role to farm minions such as Garen,Gangplank or Darius.
    -The jungler have the role to farm monsters. He MUST use the"Smite"spell. The jungler is the strongest champion against the dragon. Some of these champions are Master Yi,Udyr and Lee Sin.
    -The mid laner is for pushing(the mid lane is the shortest that's whymost of the pushes are there). Most of the mid laners are mages but there are some fighters for this role. Example for mid laners are Ryze,Azir,Yasuo.
    -The ADC and the Support are bot laners.The ADC is the main damage dealer.Most of the marksmen are ADC's.Those champions are Ashe,Draven or Mordekaiser(the only non-marksman meta ADC,but most of the players are playing him top).
    -The support is very important role,because he/she is supporting the ADC(ADC without support is nothing).Champions like Soraka,Bard and Braum are support.

    -Meta champions are champions created for a certain role like Kayle Mid or Ivern Jungle.
    -Non-meta champions are the opposite of the meta champions.Some of them are Ziggs ADC(played in Korea servers) and Miss Fortune Support(most players are playing this role for trolling but I tried it and I got an S-).
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