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League of Legends (LoL) Question: I'm in a pretty damn bad losing streak. What should I do to get out of them


  • pjheric

    I'm in a pretty damn bad losing streak. What should I do to get out of them

    Most of them were just my teammates being toxic or against a meme team with 5 smite or against a smite Orianna mid.
  • Answers (4)

    PsiGuard (1495) | July 29, 2017 9:40pm
    Were you against the team with 5 Smites? If you lost that then your team must have been outmatched pretty badly. It's not a great strategy. If your team had the Smites you can always choose to dodge the game in champion select. You only lose 3 LP for your first dodge of the day and you don't lose any MMR.

    If your teammates start acting toxic, mute them immediately and play the game as normal as best you can. You can't do anything if someone starts intentionally trying to lose, but for the most part if you ignore chat you can still carry through your own play.

    If you're not playing ranked, but are instead playing normals, you just have to play through ****py games and keep focusing on improving your own skill. Not every game is going to be winnable, but every game will have opportunities to practice and learn.
    oWMellow (8) | August 2, 2017 5:35am
    All of us have been in a lose streak in some point of all "lol life", there are some tips that may help you to improve and change your pretty damn bad losing streak in a really good winning streak.

    1. Take a break; that´s one of the most important advices that all players will give you. The reason is simple, the more you play, the more you tilt. So, just relax for a day or two and come back with a lot of strength.

    2. See some streams, lcs, gameplays...; this helps much more than anyone thinks. For example, I´m main adc and when I start watching streamers like Gosu, Sneaky, Doublelift, Deft..., I improved a lot just watching how they play and learning from their own mistakes. Watch streams like lcs show you some strategies but competitive is completly different at what we see in SoloQ/DuoQ. So, summarizing, watch streams in platforms like twitch will improve your way of seeing the whole game.

    3. Understand the meta; in soloQ is really important to know the meta, the champions who are kinda OP and how to counter them. Right now we´re in a metagame of tanks (Toplaner, Jungler, Support and in to a lesser extent, Midlaner) and assassins (Toplaner, Jungler, Midlaner). So, it could be great to look some guides in how to counter this roles and specifically the champions who are popular in this meta. Again, I remarkate that LCS is not soloQ, so, things like Kalista or Corki, who are so popular in LCS are not that good in soloQ. Learn to counter things like Cho´Gath, Talon, Jhin, Zed, Kassadin, Fizz, Kha´Zix...

    If nothing of this works (and your teammates still being the main reason of the problem) you can try to main champions whose abilities and mechanics are lit for SoloQ and people in low elo don´t know how to counter;
    Top; Pantheon, Illaoi, Yorick, Cho´Gath and Kayle.
    Jungle; Maokai, Zed, Sejuani, Diana and Master Yi.
    Midlane; Annie, Malzahar, Kayle and Fizz.
    Botlane; Lucian, Jinx, Twitch, Caitlyn and MF.
    Support; Leona, Braum, Taric, Tham Kench and Morgana. (Other options like Sona, Lulu or Nami can be viable)

    I hope this tips help you to improve and end your losing streak.
    Prate_k (24) | August 6, 2017 2:53pm
    Losing streaks are part of the struggle. The main problem in ranked is that the communication in a team is not very synchronized. Everyone will try to do their own thing either to boost their score or push for a win. One suggestion is that making friends and playing normal games with them and slowly easing into ranked. The more the understanding between teammates the more your chances are of winning.

    Also, I always run into people who can only play a single lane. That's not good, you should have a main in each of the 5 roles because auto-fill does exist. This will also increase your champion pool and adaptable to any situation.
    Red_Panda | July 30, 2017 8:42pm
    Take a break - for a Day and play again - that helps most of the time - also try to pick tanks or cc heavy stuff.
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