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League of Legends Riot Points

What is RP?

Riot Points (RP) is a League of Legends currency that summoners can use to buy Champions, Skins, Summoner Icons, Ward skins and other items from the in-client Store.

What Can I Buy with RP and How Do I Get It?

Champions, skins, boosts, and bundles can be bought with RP. Champions range from 260 RP to 975 RP. Skins range from 390 RP to 1820 RP. XP Boosts range from 1 day at 290 RP to 30 days at 3490 RP.

Reaching summoner level 3 grants 400 RP. After that, the easiest way to get it by paying real money. These range from 650 RP at $5 to 7200 RP at $50. You can also be gifted RP by other players. Some organizations may also offer RP codes as a reward or prize for raffles and competitive tournaments.

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