this is a blog i'm starting about champions who are a little too strong and need nerfs
it's also about champs who can't quite get enough damage out and should receive a little buff.

Garen: one of the most OP champs I've ever seen. all he has to do beginning game is silence and spin on anyone. he deals a devastating amount of damage and leaves before you can counter. even if you do counter, he's too tanky to deal any sort of damage and that passive counters any harassment.
so, i propose his E ability, Judgement, gets a nerf, so it doesn't do half your hp with one spin.

Master Yi: he can be built as AD or AP and still be insanely OP. I'm going to explain how OP it is to build him AP early game and AD later, and how this keeps him alive and dealing damage early on and doesn't make him fall off late game.
the AP ratio contributed to his Q ability, Alpha Strike, and his W ability, Meditate, need a HUGE nerf. I've actually seen an AP Yi, early game, in a 1v3, meditate and absorb all the damage, alpha strike to pick up a kill, and flash out. for one, he shouldn't be able to take 3 people on and still be gaining health with only a doran ring. furthermore, with an alpha strike, take off a little more than 1/4 of someone's hp.
then, you have AD Yi. rush zeal, build up blood thirster, finish phantom dancers, and he's basically unstoppable. you can add youmou's ghostblade, infinity edge, and guinsoo's rageblade if you like, but those two items are why he is so OP. he R ability, Highlander, already gives him insane amounts of movement/ attack speed. if you stack phantom dancers, after blood thirster, he can't be countered unless you can keep him stunned indefinitely. even then, if he survives with a sliver of hp, he can get a kill or two before dying.

Tryndamere: UNDYING RAGE!!! the worst two words you've ever seen. his R ability allows him to absorb copious amounts of damage, hanging on to 1hp, and deal as much damage himself before using his E ability, Spinning Slash, to get out and his Q ability, Bloodlust, to heal up. I'm well aware his Q is being nerfed, but I don't think that will be enough.
I say that Tryndamere's R ability follow the same rules as Guardian Angel, Zhoonya's Hourglass, Zilean's R, Chronoshift, and Anivia's passive, Rebirth; when Tryndamere uses undying rage, he should stop and die where he is, then come back up with either full hp, or half. he shouldn't be able to keep attacking and dealing damage while you can't deal any back.

I will continue the list on another post, any comments and personal views are welcome.